[Vision2020] Crabtree and the NRA

Garrett Clevenger garrettmc at frontier.com
Sun Oct 31 12:46:57 PDT 2010

"A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed."

The Second Amendment is the only amendment that has the word "regulated" and that follows the word "well."

Why is that and what does that mean?

Probably is because the Founders intended to regulate the militia, those who have the Constitutional right to bear arms.

I doubt it means anybody can use any weapon any way they choose.  It seems like that would be a recipe for disaster.

Does the NRA really want people to hold and use weapons indiscriminitely, or should such use be subject to regulation as stipulated?

The NRA ignores the first part of the right to bear arms and they do so all while seemingly not caring that government abridges free speech, allows religion to dictate government policy, allows unreasonable searches and seizures and inflicts cruel and unusual punishment-- all of which are unconstitutional.

It is not unconstitutional to regulate gun ownership.

Government can also regulate gun and ammunition manufacturing. They may even ban it if they were serious about controlling guns, which obviously is not the case

Until people accept that government has the right to regulate gun ownership, anything the the NRA says is intended to rally support of fanatics who think the 2nd Amendment somehow guarantees their right to hunt.  It's all about fund-raising for the NRA 

I'm a gun owner, so don't think I'm completely anti-gun. I just think there are way more constitutional infringments that are actually occuring, most at the behest of the right-wing.

Garrett Clevenger

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