[Vision2020] PR Saturday Service Bus Route

Stephanie Kalasz skalasz at ci.moscow.id.us
Fri Jun 4 17:04:09 PDT 2010

Press Release - 2010 Saturday Service Bus Route Established 


To:      Interested Media

From:  Gary J. Riedner, City Supervisor

            206 E. 3rd St., Moscow, Idaho 83843

Telephone: (208) 883-7006; Fax: (208) 883-7018

E-mail: griedner at ci.moscow.id.us

c:         Mayor, City Council, All City Users

Re:      City of Moscow Press Release

Date:   June 4, 2010



For Immediate Release:


2010 Saturday Service Bus Route Established


Moscow, Idaho - Moscow's newest bus service begins its first run this
Saturday, June 5 at 8 a.m.


Moscow Valley Transit has partnered with the City of Moscow to begin
Moscow's first Saturday bus service, intended to help people get to and
from Moscow's Farmer's Market.


"The City of Moscow had the foresight to request funds from the USDA to
assist people in going to and from Farmer's Market" according to Tom La
Pointe, Valley Transit's Executive Director.  "That step, along with
some creative thinking by city staffers along with additional funding
assistance kindly offered by the city has enabled us to put together a
limited Saturday service as a pilot program."


The service will begin at 8 am with the bus leaving Friendship Square
and travel a short half hour route around Moscow.  "We're starting off
small, with only a single bus running a half hour route" La Pointe
explained.  If someone is unable to get to a bus stop, there is a
limited opportunity to have the bus deviate from its defined route.
Riders in that situation must telephone Valley Transit (883-7747) a day
in advance to make arrangements.


La Pointe cautions that while this route incorporates some of the
existing weekday service, resources are scarce and the route does not
cover more than half of Valley Transit's weekday service.


Specifics on the route can be had from the new route schedule, which is
posted on both Valley Transit's and the City of Moscow's websites.
Those addresses are: City of Moscow www.ci.moscow.id.us and Valley
Transit http://users.lewiston.com//valleytransit - click on the menu on
the left side of the page indicating "Moscow Farmers Market."  Schedules
will also be available on Moscow Valley Transit buses and at several
locations around Moscow, including City Hall.



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