[Vision2020] Fwd: Re: Montana opposition

Tom Trail ttrail at moscow.com
Mon Jul 12 09:31:25 PDT 2010

>Here is a message from Lin Laughy, a Montana activist, concerning the current

situation in Montana regarding Highway 12 and the proposed transport of 204
loads of Exxon oil refining equipment to Canada.

Tom Trail

>>Tom - Lin again. I should have added a couple of items of potential 
>>interest re: Montana. The Missoula City Council has adopted a 
>>resolution opposing these shipments. The Missoula County Commission 
>>filed with MDT a 10 point document raising significant questions 
>>and calling for an extension of the public comment period required 
>>by the Montana Environmental Assessment statute. (MDT did not 
>>extend this period.)
>>One of the phrases used by ExxonMobil is that this is "a one-time 
>>deal." That same phrase has been used publicly by Brian Schweitzer. 
>>We don't consider 207 itself as a "one-time deal," but rather a 
>>207-time deal. But another piece on our website provides pretty 
>>convincing evidence that this would be a permanent high and wide 
>>corridor. Jim Lynch has even used that phrase in public, and that 
>>wording was included in the MDT slide show presentation to the 
>>Feel free to ask any questions that come to mind on this matter. 
>>Borg and I have been researching the matter for some time and try 
>>to provide accurate and timely information.

Dr. Tom Trail
International Trails
1375 Mt. View Rd.
Moscow, Id. 83843
Tel:  (208) 882-6077
Fax:  (208) 882-0896
e mail ttrail at moscow.com

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