[Vision2020] Not all conservaives are anti-mosque

Wayne Price bear at moscow.com
Wed Aug 18 17:30:10 PDT 2010


This also raises some interesting questions about other "high church"  
officials in the government. If you can imagine, Undersecretary of  
Defense and Comptroller for the first four years of the wars in  
Afghanistan and Iraq
was Rabbi Dov  Zakheim. You can imagine how well that went over while  
trying to conduct military operations in the Middle East with him  
controlling the purse strings. Since the fall of the Bush  
he has been a Vice President for Booze Allen Hamilton, one of the  
biggest belt-way bandits in the country.

> Hi Roger:
> I have a question and a comment for you:
> You said: "Sharia law downgrades women. Any religion should be free  
> to practice their beliefs as long ad they do not interfere with  
> individual rights. Individual rights trumps religious practice  in  
> the US."
> Doug Wilson believes that women should not vote and that gays should  
> be either executed or run out of town.  Your argument implies that  
> Christ Church must shut down.  Is that your position?
> You said: "Also the State department is funding his trip abroad to  
> raise funds. Under separation of church and state the government  
> should not be funding a trip for any religious purpose."
> The state department was sending Imam Rauf for diplomatic not  
> religious purposes.  The logic of your argument is that only  
> agnostics could be sent on diplomatic missions!
> Nick
>> Roger
>> -----Original message-----
>> From: "Art Deco" deco at moscow.com
>> Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 09:14:44 -0700
>> To: "Vision 2020" vision2020 at moscow.com
>> Subject: [Vision2020] Not all conservaives are anti-mosque
>>> The Ground Zero mosque must be built
>>> By Kathleen Parker
>>> Wednesday, August 18, 2010; A15 Washington Post
>>> It is hard to imagine that anything has gone unsaid about the so- 
>>> called Ground Zero mosque, but an important point seems to be  
>>> missing.
>>> The mosque should be built precisely because we don't like the  
>>> idea very much. We don't need constitutional protections to be  
>>> agreeable, after all.
>>> This point surpasses even all the obvious reasons for allowing the  
>>> mosque, principally that there's no law against it. Precluding any  
>>> such law, we let people worship when and where they please. That  
>>> it hurts some people's feelings is, well, irrelevant in a nation  
>>> of laws. And, really, don't we want to keep it that way?
>>> Confession: I would prefer that the mosque not be built so close  
>>> to the ground where nearly 3,000 innocent souls perished. That's  
>>> my personal feeling, especially as I imagine the suffering of so  
>>> many families whose loved ones died in the conflagration.
>>> But why do so many Americans feel this way? The answer is inherent  
>>> in the question. Feeling is emotion, which isn't necessarily bad,  
>>> but it bears watching.
>>> Reason tells us something else: The Muslims who want to build this  
>>> mosque didn't fly airplanes into skyscrapers. They don't support  
>>> terrorism. By what understanding do we assign guilt to all for the  
>>> actions of a relative few?
>>> Even so, as others have noted, civilized people and nations are  
>>> careful to avoid trespassing on the sorrow, suffering and  
>>> sacrifice we associate with hallowed grounds. As Charles  
>>> Krauthammer pointed out, Pope John Paul II ordered Carmelite nuns  
>>> to abandon a convent they had established at Auschwitz, among  
>>> other examples.
>>> We would like to think that others would be as respectful of our  
>>> own horrors. And yet, we should beware what we demand lest others  
>>> demand the same of us. Count the number of times we've heard  
>>> "sensitivity" invoked the past several days. Muslims should be  
>>> more sensitive to the families of those who perished, we've heard  
>>> repeatedly. Even the Anti-Defamation League, defender of religious  
>>> freedom, urged the mosque's leaders to situate the building  
>>> farther from Ground Zero -- out of sensitivity.
>>> Many couldn't agree more, and yet it goes without saying -- even  
>>> if President Obama felt it necessary to state -- that American  
>>> Muslims have the same right as any other citizens to practice  
>>> their religion and to build on private property.
>>> Some might wish that Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, who is behind the  
>>> proposal, were more sensitive, though opinions are mixed. Others  
>>> have argued that a moderate Muslim such as Rauf is just the sort  
>>> of person we hope will help influence a more-moderate Islam. Might  
>>> an Islamic center near the spot where the religion's worst  
>>> adherents slaughtered thousands, fellow Muslims among them, be  
>>> useful to that end?
>>> These are all reasonable arguments. But the more compelling point  
>>> is that mosque opponents may lose by winning. Radical Muslims have  
>>> set cities afire because their feelings were hurt. When a Muslim  
>>> murdered filmmaker Theo van Gogh in Amsterdam, it was because his  
>>> feelings were hurt. Ditto the Muslims who rioted about cartoons  
>>> depicting the image of Muhammad and sent frightened doodlers into  
>>> hiding.
>>> The idea that one should never have one's feelings hurt -- and the  
>>> violent means to which some will resort in the protection of their  
>>> own self-regard -- has done harm rivaling evil. It isn't a stretch  
>>> to say that the greatest threat to free speech is, in fact,  
>>> "sensitivity."
>>> This is why plans for the mosque near Ground Zero should be  
>>> allowed to proceed, if that's what these Muslims want. We teach  
>>> tolerance by being tolerant. We can't insist that our freedom of  
>>> speech allows us to draw cartoons or produce plays that Muslims  
>>> find offensive and then demand that they be more sensitive to our  
>>> feelings.
>>> More to the point, the tolerance we urge the Muslim world to  
>>> embrace as we exercise our right to free expression, and revel in  
>>> the glory and the gift of irreverence, is the same we must embrace  
>>> when Muslims seek to express themselves peacefully.
>>> Nobody ever said freedom would be easy. We are challenged every  
>>> day to reconcile what is allowable and what is acceptable.  
>>> Compromise, though sometimes maddening, is part of the bargain. We  
>>> let the Ku Klux Klan march, not because we agree with them but  
>>> because they have a right to display their hideous ignorance.
>>> Ultimately, when sensitivity becomes a cudgel against lawful  
>>> expressions of speech or religious belief -- or disbelief -- we  
>>> all lose.
>>> ______________________________________
>>> Wayne A. Fox
>>> 1009 Karen Lane
>>> PO Box 9421
>>> Moscow, ID  83843
>>> waf at moscow.com
>>> 208 882-7975
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