[Vision2020] Latah County Human Rights Task Force posters

Bill London london at moscow.com
Mon Aug 9 11:26:48 PDT 2010


  The Latah County Human Rights Task Force has created and printed colorful posters with a photo of  North Idaho and wording that says "Idaho Is Too Great for Hate. Moscow and Coeur d'Alene .standing together for equality, justice and diversity."


  According to Chair, Joann Muneta, the goal of the Task Force is to have individuals and businesses display these posters to show their support for human rights efforts, especially those in the Coeur d'Alene area where Aryan Nations flags have been displayed and human rights workers have been harassed. "We are dismayed to learn that the repugnant ideas of the Neo-Nazi Aryan Nations have resurfaced in Kootenai County, and we want everyone to know that we all join in the effort to keep hate and prejudice out of Idaho and the Northwest." said Muneta. 


  Task Force members are distributing the posters, and they are also available for people to pick up at Bookpeople on Main St. in Moscow. 
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