[Vision2020] Say What?

Garrett Clevenger garrettmc at verizon.net
Thu Apr 8 15:41:28 PDT 2010

Roger writes:

"You put in dots where I said the white supremists in the US. and then inserted Nazi into my sentance when I was plainly refering to the US white supremists."

Yes, that's an editing technique and using poetic license.  I'm not sure why that would be grounds for implying I'm dishonest and despicable.

I was plainly trying to make the point that if you subsitute "white supremists" with nazi and right for left, it's more accurate than saying "nazi's are on the left."

If you want to make the point that white supremists aren't aligned with the right, then be consistent and say nazi's aren't aligned with the left.  You want it both ways which is hypocritical and just plain wrong.

At least that's the way I see it.  I don't think I'm being dishonest or despicable about this. But what do I know?


>-----Original message-----
>From: Garrett Clevenger garrettmc at verizon.net
>Date: Thu, 08 Apr 2010 12:24:14 -0700
>To: lfalen at turbonet.com
>Subject: Re: Re: [Vision2020] Say What?
>> Roger writes:
>> "Garrett
>> You are being dishonest. You revise my statement and then ridicule it. 
>This is despicable behavior. It you try to pass it off as satire, that won't 
>> Wow.  I didn't realize my post would be interpreted as such. Sort of 
>sorry to offend you.
>> I don't think I was being dishonest.  I was merely stating my opinion 
>using your words.
>> If you could tell me specifically where I'm being dishonest and despicable, 
>I'd appreciate that.
>> Otherwise, I'll assume you're just hyper-sensitive when someone 
>is challenging you.
>> I can't feel too sorry for you, though, considering you responded to 
>a previous post of mine saying:
>> "The rest of your email is garbage and does not warrant a response."
>> That is despicable behaviour to me, so I guess we're even...
>> Take care,
>> Garrett
>> Apr 8, 2010 11:11:20 AM, lfalen at turbonet.com wrote:
>> ===========================================
>> Garrett
>> >You are being dishonest. You revise my statement and then ridicule 
>it. This 
>> >is despicable behavior. It you try to pass it off as satire, that won't 
>> >Roger
>> >-----Original message-----
>> >From: Garrett Clevenger garrettmc at verizon.net
>> >Date: Wed, 07 Apr 2010 12:52:24 -0700
>> >To: vision2020 at moscow.com
>> >Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Say What?
>> >
>> >> 
>> >> Roger writes:
>> >> 
>> >> "It is convenient for the left to place them on the right. 
>this makes 
>> >it easier for them to demonise the right and marginalize them by association."
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >> Er, isn't this what Roger just did by saying "The Nazis 
>are on 
>> >the left."?
>> >> 
>> >> I'll continue his quote to make his nazi one more realisitic.
>> >> 
>> >> "They ...  may want freedom for themselves, but not for others. 
>> >does not place them on the {left}, who wants freedom for everyone. 
>{nazis} basically 
>> >are kooks and cannot be categorized as being left or right."
>> >> 
>> >> So Roger is part right, even if he is or isn't "on the 
>> >> 
>> >> Garrett
>> >> 
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