[Vision2020] vandals strike again

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2008 at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 8 00:37:01 PST 2009

I think we mostly agree. You just offer excuses for the behavior which I don’t accept.
One example of this error in thinking is the argument for churches to be taxed.
If political organizations are tax exempt, like political parties, why can’t churches be?
Churches are doing three things that are tax exempt, 1) Exercising Religion, 2) Administering to the needy, and 3) Expressing their political beliefs.
Now, the only reason to tax a church is if it opens up a for profit business. Then it should be taxed. Or if it has CEOs and the like that make sizable salaries and profits. 
If one understands politics, you know, that no organization or person is apolitical. It cannot be. Every interaction we have with another person is political, it may just be on a smaller scale, a baby crying may be politicking for milk, or Priest saying not to support abortion, it is all political. You cannot have such a thing as an apolitical organization, especially Churches.  
“One of our most basic American Values, by the way, is 
freedom of religion.  There is no freedom of religion if one religion is 
pushed above all others (including the absence of religion).”
I agree. But Atheists want to take away freedom of religion, and replace it with NO Religion. They want to be free from religion. People cannot be banned from religion in public and still say our First Amendment rights are not being violated. 
It is just not possible to both include and exclude God at the same time. One side has to prevail. Which one is constitutionally protected? It is more damaging to a believer not to be allowed to practice their faith than it is for the non-believe to endure His inclusion. 

Your Friend,
Donovan Arnold


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