[Vision2020] And From Moscow We Have . . .

bear at moscow.com bear at moscow.com
Sat May 23 18:46:42 PDT 2009


A site that you might find helpful is :http://www.flexyourrights.org/

One of the big problems in America is that we don't know what our rights
are, generally speaking, and there is no obligation on the part of "law
enforcement" to teach them to the populace. An ignorant society is the
greatest asset any repressive government  can have, along with an
apathetic population.  Now I'm NOT advocating that we all go out and "man
the barricades", but we at least ought to know what our individual rights
are and freely exercise them.

A great legal conversation as far as rights are concerned, is: "If you
have the right to remain silent AFTER you are arrested, do you have a
right to remain silent BEFORE you're arrested"?

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