[Vision2020] In Torture Denial?

Ted Moffett starbliss at gmail.com
Fri May 1 11:27:43 PDT 2009

*I posted information to Vision2020 regarding the Spokane CIA
"interrogation" psychologists in July, 2007.  My e-mail records show zero
responses on the list to this information, though they might be incomplete.
At the bottom I forward one of my July, 2007 posts on this subject, where
electroshock is mentioned as a tactic, a tactic that oddly receives scant
attention in media discussions of torture against detainees.  There is a
tremendous focus on water boarding, and I think I know in part why:  it
seems less horrendous than the idea of hooking someone up to an electrical
device to run electricity through their body.  The use of drugs to "enhance"
interrogation is another tactic that receives scant media attention.  We are
often not being exposed in the media to the worst of the treatment that
detainees received.*
*Ted Moffett*
*bear at moscow.com* bear at moscow.com

*Thu Apr 30 19:02:58 PDT 2009*

And for those of you suffering over the torture discussions that have been
going on here, and agree that torture isn't illegal, there are two
"renowned" psychologists up in Spokane that can help. Their expertise is
what the system was based on.....and the legal opinions of the Bush


Anyone need a ride up there?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ted Moffett <starbliss at gmail.com>
Date: Jul 14, 2007 6:08 PM
Subject: CIA Psychologists In Spokane:June 29, 2007 Spokesman Reivew
To: Vision 2020 <vision2020 at moscow.com>

Friday, June 29, 2007 Spokesman Review, front page headline:

Psychologists Linked To CIA

Congress probes role in controversial interrogations

by Karen Dorn Steele and Bill Morlin, Staff writers

Article on page A1 continuing on page A10, covering over a full half page of
text (no ads on A10), a long article for a newspaper like the Spokesman

The article states that an article "last week" in online
psychologists James E. Mitchell and John Bruce Jessen as developers of
a CIAinterrogation program used with terror suspects.  The article
claims that
Mitchell advocated the use of electroshock during an interrogation,
according to a 2005 New Yorker article.

Quotes from the article:

"Mitchell Jessen & Associates lists its corporate headquarters as the
American Legion Building, 108 N. Washington, in downtown Spokane."

"At the company's Spokane office, light jazz plays in the public hallway
outside Suite 205.  Behind a large dark wooden door, there is no one to
greet visitors who step inside a small entrance room, illuminated with
bright track lighting.  A wall phone is available to call a secretary."

Vision2020 Post: Ted Moffett
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