[Vision2020] 30 ways to a most powerful constabulary

Joe Campbell philosopher.joe at gmail.com
Sat Jul 18 11:21:00 PDT 2009

Are you suggesting that being Governor of Alaska is more demanding  
than being Senator of Illinois? That's absurd. And again she couldn't  
even handle the Alaska gig. She's a joke.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 18, 2009, at 12:02 PM, "g. crabtree" <jampot at roadrunner.com>  

> Really? So what was it that BHO ran or managed that you believe  
> would have provided the experience to run this country? Feel free to  
> use the dictionary of your choice. The guy never ran so much as a  
> pop stand before getting his current gig. Perhaps he absorbed  
> whatever management experience you claim he has via osmosis, sucking  
> it up along with the hard earned tax dollars of people who had  
> actually earn them and, earlier in his career, gorging on them at  
> the public trough.
> g
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Joe Campbell
> To: g. crabtree
> Cc: keely emerinemix ; vision2020
> Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 6:18 PM
> Subject: Re: [Vision2020] 30 ways to a most powerful constabulary
> Palin has, or had, more executive experience than Obama!?! Only a  
> geek holding on to a dictionary definition would pretend that Palin  
> had more experience than Obama, relevant to the offices for which  
> they last ran.
> She could not hack Alaska!
> You've been critical of Palin and I'm sorry for not noting that, but  
> you're more defensive than you should be.
> Joe Campbell
> On Jul 17, 2009, at 5:37 PM, "g. crabtree" <jampot at roadrunner.com>  
> wrote:
>> 1. How amazing that you should have such a blinding insight  
>> concerning this post and yet were completely oblivious for the run  
>> of 'Pulling a Palin' and "Sonia v. Sarah, GOP is doomed."
>> 2. As to your silly assertion concerning experience, Governor Palin  
>> had far more executive experience at the time of the election then  
>> BHO did. Along with that she also had experience as a small  
>> business person, something the golden one has yet to know and  
>> almost certainly never will.
>> 3. Please point out where I might have said anything about Ms.  
>> Palin being a serious future contender for the position of POTUS?
>> 4. What post is it that you imagine that it was that I criticized?  
>> If you are referring to Ms. Mix's post of 03 July, I pointed out  
>> that here was no evidence for the assertion that she made and  
>> requested a cite. No criticism and, from my perspective, nothing to  
>> apologize for. Not every error calls for sack cloth and ashes. This  
>> said, Ms. Mix did show uncommon class. Kudos to her.
>> g
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Joe Campbell
>> To: g. crabtree
>> Cc: keely emerinemix ; vision2020
>> Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 6:59 AM
>> Subject: Re: [Vision2020] 30 ways to        a most powerful  
>> constabulary
>> Is Palin running for anything at the moment? Is she running against  
>> Sotomayor? I'm not really sure why we're comparing them.
>> For the record, the reason I didn't vote for her had to do with her  
>> lack of experience not her misuse of language. But it's pretty much  
>> a done deal since she can't even stand the heat of being Governor  
>> of Alaska, so she is not a serious candidate for President of the  
>> US. But keep thinking she is!
>> By the way, what conclusion should we draw from this little  
>> exercise? Are malapropisms relevant or not? I think not which means  
>> this post of yours is just as bad as the one you criticized (which  
>> by the way was followed by a retraction AND an apology). On the  
>> other hand, if this kind of crap is relevant, then you have no  
>> complaint.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jul 17, 2009, at 6:06 AM, "g. crabtree" <jampot at roadrunner.com>  
>> wrote:
>>> For those on the list  who found Governor Palin to be a less than  
>>> stellar intellect because of a totally unsubstantiated assertion  
>>> that she once confused succeed with secede,          and that wise  
>>> latina Sonia Sotomeyor the paragon of the well educated women...
>>> From the Weekly Standard, 20 July edition:
>>> If Sarah Palin Had Said It . . . (Update)
>>> Ed Whelan writes:
>>> Judge Sotomayor says “eminent” when she means “imminent,”  
>>> “providence” instead of “province,” “story of  
>>> knowledge” instead of “store of knowledge,” and so on. Does  
>>> the fact that she is a Latina immunize her from attention to tha 
>>> t sort of (admittedly not uncommon) foible?
>>> To answer Whelan's question: These malapropisms would only be  
>>> noteworthy and revealing if they were spoken by a certain country  
>>> bumpkin Republican governor of Alaska. When a wise Latina  
>>> accidentally says "vagrancies of ... the moment" instead of  
>>> "vagaries of ... the moment" during the oral argument of the Ricci  
>>> case, we're supposedi to ignore the slip-up, as the Wall Street  
>>> Journal did, but make sure to inform readers that they should be  
>>> impressed by the fact that "The Catholic-school-educated judge  
>>> clearly knew the Latin plural of 'forum.'"
>>> But enough about her errors of diction. I wouldn't want to get  
>>> Sotomayor's reputation for writing pieces "that didn't distinguish  
>>> between substantive and trivial points, with petty editing  
>>> suggestions--fixing typos and the like--rather than focusing on  
>>> the core analytical issues."
>>> Update: Allahpundit has the video and a choice Sotomayor quote:  
>>> "each time I see a split infinitive, an inconsistent tense  
>>> structure or the unnecessary use of the passive voice, I blister."
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