[Vision2020] An open letter to Moscow city council

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Thu Jul 16 12:01:25 PDT 2009



Presidents who served in wars

George Washington - Commander in Chief of Continental Army during the
American Revolution.

James Monroe - served in American Revolution

Andrew Jackson - American Revolution, War of 1812, First Seminole War

William Henry Harrison - Indian wars in the NW territory, War of 1812

John Tyler - War of 1812

Zachary Taylor - War of 1812, Black Hawk, Second Seminole, and Mexican wars

Franklin Pierce - Mexican War

James Buchanan - War of 1812

Abraham Lincoln - Black Hawk War

Andrew Johnson - Civil War

Ulysses Grant - Mexican War, Civil War

Rutherford Hayes - Civil War

James Garfield - Civil War

Chester Arthur - Civil War

Benjamin Harrison - Civil War

William McKinley - Civil War

Theodore Roosevelt - Spanish-American War

Harry Truman - WWI

Dwight Eisenhower - WWII General

John Kennedy - WWII

Lyndon Johnson - WWII

Richard Nixon - WWII

Gerald Ford - WWII

George Bush - WWII


Presidents who were in the military but who saw no action

James Madison

James Polk

Millard Fillmore

Jimmy Carter

Ronald Reagan - kept out of combat due to bad eyesight

George W. Bush


Presidents with no military experience

John Adams

Thomas Jefferson

John Quincy Adams

Martin Van Buren

Grover Cleveland

William Taft

Woodrow Wilson

Warren Harding

Calvin Coolidge

Herbert Hoover

Franklin Roosevelt

Bill Clinton


Bear - Are you suggesting that George W. Bush (#43) is/was capable of
sounder judgments than Franklin Roosevelt?

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho

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