[Vision2020] Roaches, was tunnels

Sunil Ramalingam sunilramalingam at hotmail.com
Fri Feb 20 09:19:44 PST 2009

Ah, Blatella germanica. 

[My dad is primarily a medical entomologist, and secondarily a parasitologist, and to my mother's dismay dinner conversations often involve worms, mosquitoes, and other insects.  We used to go through his books to identify our pests.]

I've never had quite the experience Mike describes, but I remember a couple of occasions when my parents decided to clean out our storerooms in M'sia.  As the boxes came out, so too the roaches that had taken cover in and around them.  My dad didn't really mind them, but my mom's approach, adopted by all of us, and which I blame on her excellent modelling, was much like Mike's below. 

The worst events were when we would get an intense but short rainstorm in the mid-evenings.  After the rain if it got warm again the roaches would come out of the storm drains and fly in, or up the drains in the bathroom, and then we'd have them - big ones - flying all over the house.  We killed over thirty once, and I remember my sister running for the shelter of her room, screaming, with a big one buzzing at her head. It got in with her, which made her scream even more.

When World or European Cup soccer games were broadcast in the middle of the night, I always had a badminton racket by me, to deal with the airborne roaches, and my slippers for the terrestrial ones.  And a hockey stick for the b.f. rat that we were pretty sure had moved into our room while we were in college, but that's another story... 

Good times, good times.


From: coolerfixer at roadrunner.com
To: gussie443 at hotmail.com; sunilramalingam at hotmail.com
CC: vision2020 at moscow.com
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Roaches, was tunnels
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2009 08:56:50 -0800

Ummm....... I hate to burst anyones bubble, but... my work 
takes me to all sorts of places in our little burg. I've seen those disgusting 
creatures for decades. Unfortunately, they are the classic, stereotypical 
"german cockroach". I still get the heebie jeebies about a service call I did in 
the late 90's (I won't say where). An ice machine was not producing ice. Located 
in the dimly lit basement, I began to remove the exterior panels when, just like 
in a horror movie, literally thousands of roaches fell onto the floor out of the 
machine. So many that they had stalled the condenser fan motor. Yes, I screamed 
like a little girl while I grabbed my tool bag and ran! Ugh! Had to fumigate my 
van and burn my clothes after I stripped outside in the street.
Mike DeLeve'
Coldsmith Refrigeration
P.O. Box 8173
ID  83843


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  To: Sunil Ramalingam 
  Cc: vision 2020 
  Sent: Friday, February 20, 2009 8:20 AM 
  Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Roaches, was 
Sunil. . . I think the only roaches in Moscow live in the 
  tunnels under the UI.  And this is a good thing. . .  and we should 
  all hope they stay there.  They are HUGE!!  and they hiss.  One 
  of my son's classmates brought some to class for "show and tell".  They 
  ended up as classroom "pets" and I think they fed them cornflakes.  I 
  can't imagine stepping on one. Yuck.
Ellen A. 

  From: sunilramalingam at hotmail.com
  vision2020 at moscow.com
Date: Fri, 
  20 Feb 2009 07:17:11 -0800
Subject: [Vision2020] Roaches, was 


I've never seen a roach in Moscow.  This is the second 
  time I've heard a roach story here, but I've still escaped them.

  Malaysia we had Periplaneta americanas, which would fly around outside and 
  inside, and many other varieties. In Davis we had smaller, non-flying roaches, 
  and I was relieved not to find them here.

Now I guess I had better 
  start looking around more carefully.


  Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2009 23:48:44 -0800
From: janesta at gmail.com
  lfalen at turbonet.com
CC: vision2020 at moscow.com
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] 

In 1978, I went into the tunnels, as I was working for a 
  company that had a contracted job down there.

It was heebie-jeebie 
  time... HUGE cockroaches, in my imagination now, they are as big as Madagascar 
  Beetles! HA!!   I did not think those critters existed in Idaho 
  because of the cold. 

It was big down there, and there was evidence of 
  people visiting for non work purposes. I don't have a clue how to get to them 
  anymore. It was quite an exciting part of the job.


  On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 9:49 AM, lfalen <lfalen at turbonet.com> 

  I will take 
    your word for it. Heimisch may have  been wrong, but he told me that 
    when he was Acting Dean of CALS.

-----Original message-----
From: Tom 
    Hansen thansen at moscow.com

    Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2009 15:01:44 -0800
To: lfalen 
    lfalen at turbonet.com,  Dickow 
    dickow at turbonet.com, vision2020 at moscow.com
    Re: [Vision2020] Tunnels

> The steam tunnels are NOT sealed from 
    human access, Roger!
> I know this for a fact, first-hand 
> Enough said.
> Tom Hansen
    Moscow, Idaho
> > Not for steam, but according to Heimisch 
    they are for people. That all I
> know about it. He
> told me 
    that just after they increased the security to the Ag. Biotech.
> > Roger
> > -----Original message-----
    > From: Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
> > Date: 
    Tue, 17 Feb 2009 14:44:02 -0800

    > > To: lfalen lfalen at turbonet.com,  Dickow dickow at turbonet.com,
> vision2020 at moscow.com

    > > Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Tunnels
> > > Roger Falen stated:
> > >
> > 
    > "When I was an undergraduate living in Upham Hall, some kids went 
> > > there to all over campus by way of the tunnels. 
    According to Dick
> > > Heimisch. they are now sealed 
> > >
> > > Trust me, Roger.  The steam 
    tunnels are NOT sealed off.
> > >
> > > Tom 
> > > Moscow, Idaho
> > >

    > > > "For a lapsed Lutheran born-again 
    Buddhist pan-Humanist Universalist
> > > Unitarian Wiccan 
    Agnostic like myself there's really no reason ever to
> go
    > > to work."
> > >
> > > - Roy 
> > >
> > >
> > > 

    > > > This message was sent by First Step 
> > >            http://www.fsr.com/
> > >
    > >
> >

    > "For a lapsed Lutheran born-again Buddhist 
    pan-Humanist Universalist
> Unitarian Wiccan Agnostic like myself 
    there's really no reason ever to go
> to work."
> - Roy 

    > This message was sent by First Step 
>            http://www.fsr.com/

    services made available by First Step Internet,
 serving the 
    communities of the Palouse since 1994.
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  services made available by First Step Internet, 
 serving the 
  communities of the Palouse since 1994.   
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