[Vision2020] Vandalism Deplored as Hate Crime

Art Deco deco at moscow.com
Tue Dec 8 13:25:15 PST 2009

Time for a bit of reality!

The "Hitler Youth" was scribbled in chalk.  

If someone really wanted to express their view that the NSA boys and girls were Nazis, they would have used spray paint on the NSA bricks or swimming pool paint on the sidewalk, thus making their work almost indelible or at least very difficult/expensive to remove.  As I pointed out at the time, in my opinion it is highly probable that the scribbler was one of the cult determined to detract from the outcry of public criticism and disapprobation of Cultmaster Douglas Wilson ongoing in the community at that time.  I know that several LE personnel also share this view.

Further, some law enforcement personnel also share the view that the tagging on the Logos Gym door was also done by a member of the cult to attempt to divert suspicion that some cult members were involved in at least some of the taggings going on at that time in Moscow.  Tagging only the door of the gym was the giveaway (among other things).  If door taggers really wanted to do some serious tagging, the metal siding of the gym was a much more tempting, easy target than carefully limiting the tagging to the door (which was easily painted over), and one where the tagging would not be so easily or inexpensively removed.

So let's drop the asinine position that the cult was the victim of hate crime graffiti.  They were the unsuccessful perpetrators of trying to con Moscow citizens and others into believing that they were/are the victims of intolerance rather than the reality: they are the intolerant*.

Wayne A. Fox
1009 Karen Lane
PO Box 9421
Moscow, ID  83843

waf at moscow.com
208 882-7975

*From Credenda/Agenda (Christ Church Cult Official Organ), by Gregory Dickison [Comments added]:
"The civil magistrate is the minister of God to execute wrath on the wrongdoer (Rom. 13:4). God has not left his civil minister without guidance on how to exercise his office. The Scriptures set forth clear standards of judgment for many offenses. Capital crimes, for example, include premeditated killing (murder), kidnapping, sorcery, bestiality, adultery, homosexuality, and cursing one's parents..."

"In contemporary American jurisprudence, none of these offenses is punishable by death, with the occasional exception of murder. The magistrates have dispensed with God's standards of justice. Some Christians believe this is an improvement. They would be horrified to think that the "harsh" penalties of the law should still be applied. Sometimes this is the result of the mistaken belief that the Old Testament has no further application after the advent of Christ. This is an exegetical problem. Too often, it is the result of a sinful view of the criminal. This sin is called pity."

"If your brother, the son of your mother, your son or your daughter, the wife of your bosom, or your friend who is as your own soul, secretly entices you, saying, "Let us go and serve other gods,". . . you shall not consent to him or listen to him, nor shall your eye pity him, nor shall you spare him or conceal him; but you shall surely kill him..." [Comment:  Heresy: Beware, ye not of the cult!]

"If two men fight together, and the wife of one draws near to rescue her husband from the hand of the one attacking him, and puts out the hand and seizes him by the genitals, then you shall cut off her hand; your eye shall not pity her..." 

God commands the judge to evaluate the crime rather than the criminal. If the crime is one for which God requires death, then death must be the punishment. Your eye shall not pity. Neither is the repentance of the accused relevant to the imposition of the sentence. 

"Thus, the Bible teaches that pity is not an option where God has decided the matter. The [civil] magistrate, God's minister, is to faithfully execute justice according to God's standard, not man's... This means that we must return to an obedience which confines pity within the bounds which God has established for us."


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Glenn Schwaller 
  To: vision2020 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2009 12:23 PM
  Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Vandalism Deplored as Hate Crime

  I have no problem figuring out the difference between a swastika, an
  epithet, and a "go home" sprayed on a Muslim man's truck in CdA.  What
  concerns me is if YOU have the problem seeing the relationship between
  them.  I'm sure someone as educated as Ms Mix knows that the swastika
  was used by many cultures throughout the past 3,000 years to represent
  life, sun, power, strength, and good luck.  Unfortunately its use by
  the Nazi's (and perhaps other Hitler Youth?) for a few short years
  pretty much buried the harmonious intent of the original design.  So,
  swastika = bad.

  And I'm sure you are aware that an epithet may be defined as an
  abusive or contemptuous word or phrase, or a disparaging or abusive
  word or phrase that expresses a character trait of someone.  "Hitler
  Youth" = swastika (by association) = not so bad in this case?
  Perfectly innocent and containing no ulterior motive (as long as it's
  NOT on personal property).  Have I got that correct??

  If "Hitler Youth" was not an epithet leveled at a group or groups in
  Moscow, then it must have been nothing more than a group of Hitler
  Youths notifying all of their passing through the fair city.  Is this
  what you are trying to say Ms Mix???  You seriously believe
  that??!!??!  If that is the case then I suggest you would likely
  believe the Cd'A "hate speech" (your quotes, not mine) was a way for
  some young Muslim scholar to make a point in the hope that it would be
  blamed on some foaming-at-the-mouth liberal -- and impress the Big Men
  in the local mosque.  Oh no, it can't be that because it was done on
  personal property, not public.  Makes all the difference in the world
  does it not?

  Had they painted these “things” ON THE PUBLIC STREET to the side of
  the vehicle,  would it have been "First Amendment Rights freedom of
  expression"?  Perhaps had this been the case it would have been just a
  wish for good health and luck, and an admonition to be sure and be
  home in time for dinner, for whomever happened to be parking there at
  the time.  After all, that would have just been “randomly chosen (like
  a sidewalk for instance) with no intent leveled at any one”.  I'm
  certain then, that even Ms Mix would have to agree the Cd’A incident
  (paraphrasing) "was never, and never would be, an epithet leveled at
  someone".  Am I reading you correctly here Ms Mix?

  So, for the sake of argument, let's put aside the legalities and the
  fact this was someone’s personal property, and look at the "intent,"
  "mind-set," or "personal character" displayed in both cases.  Is there
  a difference, humanistically, philosophically, morally, or socially,
  between these two incidents?  A simple yes or no will suffice.  I, of
  course, will vote No.

  I believe the answer(s) may suggest who amongst us, at the very core
  of their being, are racist, bigoted, and intolerant.

  And sorry, I STILL have no offices in the downtown area.


  On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 2:55 PM, Tom Hansen <thansen at moscow.com> wrote:
  > And who can forget the infamous police complaint filed by Doug Wilson at
  > about the same time as the "NSA/Hitler Youth" vandalism, a complaint that
  > he (Doug Wilson) did not want investigated, merely maintained on file.
  > A quote from that police complaint (attached) . . .
  > "Other than their evident public malice expressed in other settings, I
  > have no evidence to say that the following people are responsible. But,
  > these are some of the foremost people involved in displaying public
  > animosity.
  > 1. Jackie Wolf aka J. Ford on Vision 2020
  > 2. Charlie Nolan - multiple aliases on Vision 2020
  > 3. Michael Metzler - www.poohsthink.com
  > 4. Tom Hansen
  > 5. Terry Morin"
  > By the way, how did that Writ of Mandate thing turn out?
  > Oh, you don't recall.
  > Maybe this will refresh your memory.
  > http://www.tomandrodna.com/writofmandate/
  > Hmmm.
  > Tom Hansen, Intolerista
  > Moscow, Idaho
  > “I’ll just speak for our church, in Christ Church. If I found out that a
  > member of our church or a church officer was lying to non-believers in the
  > community, as a way to get by or protect themself or protect his
  > reputation, yes, he’d be disciplined.”
  > - Doug Wilson (January 31, 2007)

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