[Vision2020] Who said . . .

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Sun Apr 19 12:22:57 PDT 2009

Pop Quiz Time . . .

A local blahster stated (in his words, and his words alone), so . . . who 

"The current theory is that boys are failing in school because doing well 
in school is perceived as a feminine trait, prompting the 'You’re so gay' 

It’s similar to the taunt among African-Americans that doing well in 
school is a white trait."


V-peeps:  I am 57 years old.  I have attended public schools in Los 
Angeles and North Idaho.  While attending these public schools I NEVER 
heard or read the "taunt" that "doing well in school is a white trait."

During my 20-year tenure in the United States Army, which included five 
CONUS (Continental United States) assignments (from Fort Dix, New Jersey 
to Presidio of San Francisco, California) and six overseas assignments 
(four in Germany, one in South Korea, and one in Vietnam), I NEVER heard 
or read the "taunt" that "doing well in school is a white trait."  

I have heard and read of incidents where members of minorities were 
excluded from admission to certain public facilities.  But I NEVER heard 
or read that if a black student excelled academically, (s)he was doing the 
white thing.

But, then there are a couple local private schools here in 
Vandalville . . . Perhaps those are the schools to which this blahgster 


Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho
"So keep fightin' for freedom and justice, beloveds, but don't forget to 
have fun doin' it.  Lord, let your laughter ring forth.  Be outrageous, 
ridicule the fraidy-cats, rejoice in all the oddities that freedom can 
produce.  And when you get through kickin' ass and celebratin' the sheer 
joy of a good fight, be sure to tell those who come after how much fun it 

- Molly

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