[Vision2020] Rep. Bill Sali and HR 5352

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Wed Sep 24 06:16:23 PDT 2008

On September 23, 2008 the House of representatives voted on passage of HR 
5352.  A summry of this legislation and the recorded final vote is shown 


H.R. 5352: Elder Abuse Victims Act of 2008

Elder Abuse Victims Act of 2008 - Directs the Attorney General to: (1) 
study and report to Congress on state laws and practices relating to elder 
abuse, neglect, and exploitation; and (2) develop and implement policies 
and a long-term plan for elder justice programs and related activities. 

Authorizes the Attorney General to award victim advocacy grants for study 
of the special needs of victims of elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation, 
including related pilot programs. 

Directs the Attorney General to: (1) award grants to support local and 
state prosecutors and general law enforcement in elder justice matters; 
and (2) establish procedures to ensure that the Department of Justice 
dedicates resources to investigating and prosecuting elder justice cases.
Amends title XX (Block Grants to States for Social Services) of the Social 
Security Act to add a new part B (Elder Justice) establishing an Elder 
Justice Coordinating Council and the Advisory Board on Elder Abuse, 
Neglect, and Exploitation.

Final Vote:

Passed 387-28, 18 not voting (2/3 required)

Rep. Bill Sali voted against this legislation


Seeya round town, Moscow.

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho
"We're a town of about 23,000 with 10,000 college students. The college 
students are not very active in local elections (thank goodness!)."

- Dale Courtney (March 28, 2007)

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