[Vision2020] Pullman Highway Accident

Tom Trail ttrail at moscow.com
Tue Sep 23 08:49:15 PDT 2008

Visionaries--Several years ago Rep. Ringo and I were approached by the
University of Idaho student body leadership who were very concerned about
the chances of an accident occurring near the Tri-State crosswalk.  The
U. of Idaho Student Body President, Senators, and other students felt that
the chances of a fatal accident or tramatic injury were very great and that
some action needed to be taken.  They suggested either a bridge over the
highway or at least traffic lights.

We consulted both the Idaho Dept. of Transportation and University of
Idaho Administration about the matter and met with Student Leadership.
The Dept. of Transportation agreed that it was an extremely dangerous
crossing but they had no funds to commit to correct the situation.  University
officials we talked to expressed concern but as usual they said that because
they had no money the cross walks would have to do.  It was the old Catch
22 situation, bascially the Dept. of Transportation and the University saying
yes it could be a problem but offering the excuse of no funding.  We fought
this battle for several years but always with the same result--nothing--and
the consequence of that inertia resulting in the tragic accident of yesterday.

Rep. Tom Trail
Dr. Tom Trail
International Trails
1375 Mt. View Rd.
Moscow, Id. 83843
Tel:  (208) 882-6077
Fax:  (208) 882-0896
e mail ttrail at moscow.com

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