[Vision2020] Why are we bailing out all these largecorporations?

Chuck Kovis ckovis at turbonet.com
Mon Sep 22 12:46:25 PDT 2008

Roger, as one former Marsing High School graduate to another, let me see if 
I got this right:

Some poor S.O.B. who couldn't pay his loan back in 1977 to 1981 is 
responsible for the whole American financial system coming apart at the 
seams in 2008. Why Halleluiah!!  And to think that I thought it started with 
FDR and Truman, skipped Eisenhower, continued with Kennedy and Johnson, 
skipped Nixon and Ford, continued with Carter, skipped Raygun, skipped Bush 
Sr., continued with Clinton and skipped Bush Jr.  NOW the choice 
becomes -----ta-da---- should we allow it to skip McCain or continue with 
that Black Anti-Christ Muslim wealth re-distributing Obama?  Enquiring minds 
want to know. By the way, I ain't holding my breath.   Chuck Kovis 

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