[Vision2020] Fw: Seen This One?

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Wed Sep 17 10:19:30 PDT 2008

Teddy Roosevelt lacking in experience?

Are we talking about the Teddy Roosevelt that commanded the Fist Volunteer 
Brigade (The rough Riders) during the spanish American War?

Are we talking about the Teddy Roosevelt that served as Assistant 
Secretary of the Navy?

Are we talking about the Teddy Roosevelt that commanded the Fist Volunteer 
Brigade (The rough Riders) during the spanish American War?

Are we talking about the Teddy Roosevelt that graduated Phi Beta Kappa and 
magna cum laude from Harvard?

Is this the Teddy Roosevelt you re referencing, Roger?

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho

> A lot of democrats are saying that Sahah Palin is a flash in the pan and 
won't last and
that she is not qualified to be Veep. 
> In addition to her and Obama there ar a few president who were short on 
experience. These include Abe Lincoln, and Teddy Roosevelt, who turned out 
to be
exceptional presidents. Jimmy Carter had a fair amount of previous 
experience and although
a nice guy was a disaster as president. Experience can be a plus, but 
there is something
to be said for taking Cincinatus from the plow as opposed to a career 
bureaucrat. I think
it is more important that the candidate has the right instincts and 
resolve. As Jack
Simplot once said "I may not know how to do something but I can hire who 
does"  Ted gave a
list of GOP women who would have been good choices. I like all of them and 
think they
would have been good picks with the possible exceptions of Snow, Rell, 
Lingle and
McMorris-Roger. The fact is though that none of them would have energized 
people the way
Palin has.

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