[Vision2020] Moscow City Council Amended Agenda for Monday

Stephanie Kalasz skalasz at ci.moscow.id.us
Fri Sep 12 13:50:42 PDT 2008




Monday, September 15, 2008                                                                                                                   7:00 p.m.

City Hall Council Chambers

 206 East Third Street, Second Floor

The Moscow Mayor, City Council and Staff welcome you to tonight's meeting.  We appreciate and encourage public participation.  For regular agenda items, an opportunity for public comment is sometimes provided after the staff report.  However, the formality of procedures varies with the purpose and subject of the agenda item; therefore, the Mayor may exercise discretion in deciding when to allow public comment during the course of the proceedings and limitations will be placed on the time allowed for comments.  Citizens wishing to comment on business which is not on the agenda will be provided the opportunity to do so as item number 3.  If you plan to address the Council, you will find a list of "Tips for Addressing the Council" on the table outside the City Council Chambers.  Thank you for your interest in City government.


RENEWING OUR FOCUS - At each meeting one City Council member will present an example of patriotism, humanitarianism, community spirit, or other inspirational message then lead the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.  Contact a Council-member with examples to share at future meetings. 


1.       Consent Agenda:  Any item will be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered separately later.  Approval by roll call vote.


A.     Approval of Minutes of September 2, 2008 - Stephanie Kalasz


B.     Disbursement Report for August 2008 - Don Palmer

The Public Works Finance Committee reviewed the accounts payable for August 2008 and recommend approval of the following:






Parks & Rec


1912 Center




Water Fund


Sewer Fund




Fleet Mgmt Fund


Information Systems


Water Capital


Sewer Capital Projects


Capital Projects


LID Construction


Hamilton P&R


Bonds & Interest 





C.     Lot Division - Lot 13, Block 4 Rolling Hills 7th Addition - Bill Belknap

Mark McGurkin is requesting a lot division for a vacant 16,412 sq ft parcel of land currently addressed as 127 Panorama Drive and legally described as Lot 13 Block 4 of the Rolling Hills 7th Addition to the City of Moscow.  Mr. McGurkin is requesting to divide the 16,412sq ft parcel into two lots of 7,007 and 9,405 sq ft in size.  There is currently a thirty foot (30') turn-around easement located on the southeast portion of the said lot.  Both proposed lots would meet all applicable zoning requirements and would be accessed via rolled curb on Panorama Drive.  Furthermore, the proposal will not require additional storm drain or sewer stubs be installed as they were added during the construction of Panorama Drive.  Reviewed by the Public Works/Finance Committee on September 8, 2008.


ACTION:  Approve lot division.


D.     DEQ Source Water Protection Grant Contract - Alisa Stone

The City of Moscow has been awarded a $7,000 grant from Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to provide information and educational materials focused on the protection of the community public water supply system.  Community involvement and education is one of the central themes in this project which will provide long-term benefits to drinking water quality, quantity, and awareness.  A public education and awareness program will be provided via workshops, signage, brochures, etc.  The Water Department annually budgets for conservation information measures which will be used as the match.  The matching contribution is $9,500 which is 58% of the total project cost and was included in the FY2009 budget.  It is planned to prepare and solicit requests to subcontract the services to a local educational entity.  Reviewed by the Public Works/Finance Committee on September 8, 2008.


ACTION:  Approve execution of the DEQ Subgrantee Agreement for $7,000 with the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality under the Source Water Protection Grant Program to expand the public education and awareness program for protection of drinking water.


2.       Mayor's Appointments - Mayor Chaney


3.       Public Comment and Mayor's Response Period (limit 15 minutes)  - For members of the Public to speak to the Council regarding matters NOT on the Agenda and not currently pending before the Planning and Zoning Commission or Board of Adjustment, please state your name and address for the record and limit remarks to three minutes.  Mayor will respond to comments from previous meeting. 


4.       Palouse Knowledge Corridor Presentation - Jennifer Pfiffner/Margaret Howlett/Frances Benjamin

To further the mission of the Palouse Knowledge Corridor to promote the assets and capital of the Palouse Region by Partnering with the Universities, Private Sector, Economic Development Agencies and Government, the PKC has moved forward in providing resources and promoting the organization in several ways.  An update on the status of activities and an overview the PKC's new website will be shared.  There will also be an opportunity for questions and answers.


ACTION:  Accept report.


5.       Whitman County/City Joint Powers Agreement - Gary J. Riedner

On 02-04-2008 City entered into a Settlement Agreement with Hawkins Companies LLC of Boise, Idaho (Hawkins) providing, in part, that water be supplied to the Stateline Project.  As part of its agreement, the City filed an application with the Idaho Department of Water Resources for a permit to extend the City's potable water service area.  IDWR informed the City that a hearing on the permit would not be scheduled until the City entered into a joint powers agreement with Whitman County.  City Attorney Randy Fife wrote a letter to the Attorney General's office to solicit authority upon which IDWR based its requirement of a joint powers agreement as a prerequisite to hearing.  Assistant Attorney General Mitch Toryanski responded in a letter dated 08-27-2008.  Also, as directed by City Council, City Supervisor Gary Riedner wrote to the Whitman County Board of Commissioners to initiate a series of meetings to facilitate discussion regarding the joint powers agreement.  A response to the City's request was received from Michael Largent, Chair, Whitman County Board of Commissioners on 09-08-2008.   


ACTION:  Review correspondence and give staff direction.


6.       Proposed Adoption of 2006 International Fire Code - Ed Button

Staff proposes adoption of the 2006 International Fire Code for the City of Moscow. This will bring us in compliance with the State, since they adopted the 2006 International Fire Code earlier this year.  Reviewed by the Administrative Committee on September 8, 2008.


ACTION:  Approve Ordinance under suspension of the rules requiring three complete and separate readings and that it be read by title and published by summary; or consider the Ordinance on first reading and that it be read by title only; or reject the Ordinance; or take such other action deemed appropriate.


7.       Resolution for Destruction of Documents - Stephanie Kalasz/Randy Fife

The proposed Resolution categorizes certain Moscow records as "temporary" or "semi-permanent" pursuant to Idaho Code § 50-907.  The City Clerk and City Attorney are of the opinion that such records should not be classified as "permanent" or historical records pursuant to the current Idaho Code.  The proposed Resolution allows for the destruction of the listed items pursuant to current Idaho Code and in harmony with House Bill 48.  The reason for the proposed Resolution is to allow various departments to dispose of records to preserve space and to control their day-to-day operations in an efficient manner.  Reviewed by the Administrative Committee on September 8, 2008.


ACTION:  Approve the Resolution; or reject the Resolution; or take such other action deemed appropriate.


8.       'D' Street Culvert Project Bid Award - Les MacDonald

As part of the efforts to retain the Enhancement Program grant funding for the D Street Pathway project it was necessary to remove a portion of the construction work from the package submitted to ITD for approval.  By removing this portion of the work from the grant project the City was able to process the submittal more quickly and remove a requirement for a more complex design methodology for the headwall.  Staff has been able to perform the design of the headwall.  The culvert extension and the headwall installation design work has been completed and requests for quotes for construction distributed to local construction firms qualified to perform the installation.  Quotes for the construction work are anticipated to be submitted by three firms on Friday September 12th.  Staff will provide a summary of the quotes received as soon as it is available.  In order for this project work to be completed during the low creek flow period it is necessary to advance the project on an expedited process.  Therefore, the Public Works/Finance Committee was briefed on the situation at the September 8th meeting.  It is the intent of Staff to bring a recommendation for award of the construction work to the City Council meeting, but it is possible that delays in receiving or confirming the quotes could prevent this.  It may be necessary for Staff to request authorization from the City Council to approve a construction contract with an upper funding level amount.


ACTION:  Award the D Street Bridge Widening - 2008 construction contract or authorize staff to award the contract at a later date with an upper limit on the contract amount or take other action as deemed appropriate.



            Administrative Committee

            Public Works/Finance Committee

            Other Boards & Commissions



EXECUTIVE SESSION - Pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345(1)(c)







Stephanie Kalasz

Moscow City Clerk


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