[Vision2020] [Bulk] Re: SarahPalin's Church Speech: US Troops Sent To Do God'sWill

Paul Rumelhart godshatter at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 11 20:18:42 PDT 2008

g. crabtree wrote:
> Having listened to Mrs. Palin's speech and having read the transcript, 
> it's clear that you are missing the point she was trying to 
> make entirely. In no way did she say that "our leaders were sending 
> our troops to do God's will." What she actually said was:
>     "Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what
>     is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national
>     leaders, are sending [U.S. soldiers] out on a task that is from
>     God, That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that
>     there is a plan and that that plan is God's plan."
> What she was asking for was for her audience to pray for our troops, 
> our country, and that our leaders were making the right decisions by 
> sending our troops (U.S. soldiers) into harms way. (That there IS A 
> PLAN and that plan is God's plan) In other words on a task that is 
> from God as opposed to from fallen and fallible man.

You've lost me.  How does  saying that our task is "from God" and that 
"there IS A PLAN and that plan is God's plan" vary significantly from 
"our troops doing God's will"?  Is there some finer theological point 
I'm missing?  I doubt that Tom meant to imply that Sarah Palin stated 
that God personally told each soldier where to go and what to pack.

> That this incredible amount of time and effort is being expended 
> throwimg2008091014504376ing everything including the kitchen sink at 
> Governor Palin in a desperate effort to find some small thing with 
> which to damage her doesn't speak very highly of Barry's campaign. If 
> she were truly the insignificant and corrupt little mayor from Podunk 
> that everyone on the left was making her out to be this amount of 
> noise would be quite unnecessary. That the libs can speak of nothing 
> else speaks volumes.

This is counter-intuitive.  The more unrealistic a candidate is for 
office, the more that will be found about that candidate that shows them 
to be unfit.  Thus, there will be more "noise" about it.  A perfect 
candidate would leave the opposition speechless, because there would be 
nothing to criticize.


> g
> ----- Original Message -----
>     *From:* Ted Moffett <mailto:starbliss at gmail.com>
>     *To:* lfalen <mailto:lfalen at turbonet.com>
>     *Cc:* vision2020 <mailto:vision2020 at moscow.com>
>     *Sent:* Thursday, September 11, 2008 1:14 PM
>     *Subject:* [Vision2020] SarahPalin's Church Speech: US Troops Sent
>     To Do God'sWill
>     Roger et. al.
>     For those who have missed it, here again is a link to a YouTube
>     video of Sarah Palin's Wasilla, Alaska church speech, where she
>     discusses our leaders sending our troops to do "God's will:"
>     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QG1vPYbRB7k&feature=related
>     <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QG1vPYbRB7k&feature=related>
>     -------------------------------
>     Roger, thanks for your response.
>     We sometimes don't agree.  But you have never resorted to personal
>     insults to undermine my posts.
>     Republican Mitt Romney was governor of one of the most "liberal"
>     and Democratic states, Massachusetts, with a huge budget, which he
>     was instrumental in managing wisely.  He is a smart
>     businessperson.  He is far more qualified than Sarah Palin as
>     McCain's VP choice, but I wonder if he was even seriously
>     considered.  I would be much happier with him as a Republican
>     presidential candidate, for that matter, than McCain.  But I think
>     his Mormon background was a major negative as a candidate, which
>     it should not have been.  Yet witness Sarah Palin's disturbing
>     statements about US troops being sent to do "God's will," which do
>     not appear to be seriously negatively impacting her popularity. 
>     As if "God" is in the business of waging war?  This is scary
>     thinking...
>     Ted Moffett
>     On 9/8/08, *lfalen* <lfalen at turbonet.com
>     <mailto:lfalen at turbonet.com>> wrote:
>         Ted
>         You have some good points here. You are probably right that
>         someone who does not belong to a mainstream religion would not
>         be elected. As for me I don't care what there religion is or
>         if they have one. It is they basic philosophy and and values
>         that I am interested in.
>         Roger
>         -----Original message-----
>         From: "Ted Moffett" starbliss at gmail.com
>         <mailto:starbliss at gmail.com>
>         Date: Sun, 07 Sep 2008 02:45:24 -0700
>         To: vision2020 vision2020 at moscow.com
>         <mailto:vision2020 at moscow.com>
>         Subject: [Vision2020] Separation Of Church And State
>         Marginalized: SarahPalin's Church Speech
>         > Respect for the separation of church and state is not an
>         > essential criteria that McCain considered when choosing a
>         vice presidential
>         > candidate, given Sarah Palin's explicit linking of her
>         religion and the
>         > goals of government.  In fact, given the realities of US
>         politics at this
>         > time in history, any candidate for president or vice
>         president must
>         > announce, and back up by action, they are a devout
>         Christian, or they will
>         > have a limited chance of election.  Witness Obama's repeated
>         insistence he
>         > is not Muslim, his emphasis on his Christian faith, and the
>         attacks, by
>         > those wishing to undermine his campaign, that he has a
>         Muslim background.
>         >
>         > Does anyone realistically think a Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu,
>         Wiccan, Atheist
>         > or Agnostic, would have a chance of election as
>         president?  Mitt Romney is
>         > far more qualified than McCain as CEO of the US, yet who
>         doubts his Mormon
>         > heritage, viewed by many Christians as questionably
>         "Christian," was a
>         > negative?  Or that any presidential candidate would choose
>         someone
>         > representing those other spiritual orientations listed, as a
>         VP candidate?
>         > Certainly Obama's choice of devout Catholic Joe Biden for VP
>         supports this
>         > theory, though I trust Biden supports the separation of
>         church and state
>         > more than it appears Palin does.
>         >
>         > Religion dominates the US political landscape.  It is more
>         prejudicial for a
>         > candidate for the presidency or VP to be other than
>         Christian as a religious
>         > orientation, than it is for the candidate to be of a
>         "racial" minority, or
>         > of the female gender. * *
>         > **
>         > *I suppose this is some sort of progress!*
>         >
>         > Religion is a dominate form of prejudice in politics.  No, I
>         am not offering
>         > exhaustive research at this time to back up this claim... I
>         have offered
>         > exhaustive research to this list on other issues, and it is
>         ignored and
>         > mocked by those with an irrational bias.  Nonetheless, this
>         claim appears to
>         > have merit.  Why else does Karl Rove tailor Republican
>         strategy aimed at
>         > earning the Christian evangelical vote, certainly a partial
>         reason to choose
>         > Palin?
>         >
>         >
>         http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QG1vPYbRB7k&feature=related
>         <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QG1vPYbRB7k&feature=related>
>     -----------------------
>     Vision2020 Post: Ted Moffett
>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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