[Vision2020] Vehicle for sale...forwarding the message for a friend...

Stephanie Kalasz skalasz at ci.moscow.id.us
Mon Sep 8 11:13:55 PDT 2008

There is a Korean family that is leaving to go back home to Korea on
Thursday, September 11 and they have a 2006 Toyota Sienna LE for sale.
It is a 7-passenger minivan with 39,000 miles on it and it is in
excellent condition. They have had signs up for awhile, but they cannot
find anyone to buy it and of course, they need to sale it really fast!
Mrs. Shin said the bluebook price for it is $19,000, but they only want
$14,000 for it.  Is there anyone you know of who is interested in buying


If anyone is interested, their best bet is to contact them by phone at


Thanks, so much, for your help!

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