[Vision2020] Moscow City Council Committee Amended Agendas for Monday

Stephanie Kalasz skalasz at ci.moscow.id.us
Fri Sep 5 16:53:42 PDT 2008





Monday, September 8, 2008                                                                                                3:00 p.m.


206 East 3rd Street, Second Floor

1.      Approval of Minutes August 25, 2008 - Stephanie Kalasz


2.      Citizen Survey - Gary J. Riedner/Jen Pfiffner

This October the Administration Department will be conducting the fourth annual biennial Citizen Survey.  The survey is intended to assess the public's opinion of various aspects of City services and operations.  The first portion of the survey instrument will remain substantially the same as the 2002, 2004 and 2006 surveys to allow for historical data comparison and service level trend monitoring.  Staff has also solicited and will incorporate survey questions from the various City Commissions related to their areas of interest.


ACTION:  Review draft citizen survey instrument and provide comments and direction as deemed appropriate; or take such other action as deemed appropriate.


3.      Proposed Resolution Authorizing Destruction of Documents - Stephanie Kalasz/Randy Fife

The proposed Resolution categorizes certain Moscow records as "temporary" or "semi-permanent" pursuant to Idaho Code § 50-907.  The City Clerk and City Attorney are of the opinion that such records should not be classified as "permanent" or historical records pursuant to the current Idaho Code.  The proposed Resolution allows for the destruction of the listed items pursuant to current Idaho Code and in harmony with House Bill 48.  The reason for the proposed Resolution is to allow various departments to dispose of records to preserve space and to control their day-to-day operations in an efficient manner.


ACTION:  Recommend approval of the Resolution or take such other action deemed appropriate.


4.      Amendment to MCC Title 4 Chapter 6 - Accessory Home Occupations - Bill Belknap

Currently, the Moscow City Code defines home occupations as: "Any use customarily conducted entirely within a dwelling and carried on by the inhabitants thereof, which use is clearly incidental and secondary to the dwelling for dwelling purposes and does not change the character thereof; provided said occupation does not employ the use of mechanical equipment not customary in dwellings and/or involving a cumulative horsepower greater than three (3) horsepower; provided further, the use does not involve more than one-fourth (1/4) of the total square footage of the dwelling. The conducting of a clinic, hospital, barber shop, beauty shop, tea room, tourist home, animal hospital, retail sales of any type or similar use, shall not be deemed to be a home occupation." Additionally, under the current City Code, all Home Occupations require a Conditional Use Permit that requires a public hearing be held before the Zoning Board of Adjustment.  Recent advances in technology and changes in work practices have resulted in a large growth of individuals working from their home either as self employed individuals or telecommuting for their employer in a fashion that is virtually no impact to the adjacent properties or neighborhood.  Staff has prepared a draft Code amendment for the Council's consideration that would modify the manner in which such uses are regulated.  The Planning and Zoning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed Code amendment on August 27th, 2008, at which time they recommended approval.  This matter is scheduled for public hearing before the City Council at the Council's upcoming meeting on October 6th.


ACTION:  Review the proposed Code amendment and provide direction as deemed appropriate; or take such other action deemed appropriate.


5.      Proposal to Adopt International Fire Code - Ed Button

Staff proposes adoption of the 2006 International Fire Code for the City of Moscow. This will bring us in compliance with the State, since they adopted the 2006 International Fire Code earlier this year.


ACTION:  Recommend approval or disapproval of the adoption of the 2006 International Fire Code with the noted additions, deletions, and amendments.




Draft Ordinance Related to City Commissions - Randy Fife

Portable Sign Ordinance - Bill Belknap



Future Agenda Items

Policy & Procedure for Closing of Main Street

Business Registration and Virtual/No Impact Businesses

Proposed Legacy Crossing Overlay Zone - Bill Belknap (9/22)



NOTICE:  Individuals attending the meeting who require special assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments, please contact the City Clerk, at (208) 883-7015 or TDD 883-7019, as soon as possible so that arrangements may be made.




Monday, September 8, 2008                                                                                               4:30 p.m.


206 East 3rd Street, 2nd Floor 


1.      Approval of Minutes of August 25, 2008 - Stephanie Kalasz


2.      Approval of Disbursement Report for August 2008 - Don Palmer


3.      Lot Division - Lots 14, 15 & 16 Block 3 Rolling Hills 7th Addition - Mike Ray

Rafik Itani is requesting a lot division/adjustment for three vacant parcels of land located at 406, 412, and 418 Panorama Drive and legally described as Lots 14, 15, and 16 of Block 3 of the Rolling Hills 7th Addition to the City of Moscow.  Mr. Itani is requesting to reconfigure the three lots into four smaller lots. The four (4) proposed lots would meet all applicable zoning requirements and would be accessed via rolled curb on Panorama Drive.  The proposal will require additional storm drain, sewer stubs, and one (1) water meter be installed from Panorama Drive.


ACTION:  Recommend approval of the lot division; or recommend denial of the lot division; or take such other action deemed appropriate.


4.      Lot Division - Lot 13, Block 4 Rolling Hills 7th Addition - Mike Ray

Mark McGurkin is requesting a lot division for a vacant 16,412 sq ft parcel of land currently addressed as 127 Panorama Drive and legally described as Lot 13 Block 4 of the Rolling Hills 7th Addition to the City of Moscow.  Mr. McGurkin is requesting to divide the 16,412sq ft parcel into two lots of 7,007 and 9,405 sq ft in size.  There is currently a thirty foot (30') turn-around easement located on the southeast portion of the said lot.  Both proposed lots would meet all applicable zoning requirements and would be accessed via rolled curb on Panorama Drive.  Furthermore, the proposal will not require additional storm drain or sewer stubs be installed as they were added during the construction of Panorama Drive.


ACTION:  Recommend approval of the lot division; or recommend denial of the lot division; or take such other action deemed appropriate.


5.      Co-location of Cell Facilities on Vista Tank - Jesse Flowers

Staff has been approached by T-Mobile with a request to attach cellular antennas and associated equipment on the Vista water tank.  This request is in accordance with the Co-location Resolution that was adopted by the City Council on February 5th 2001.


ACTION:  Provide Staff with direction.


6.      DEQ Source Water Protection Grant Contract - Alisa Stone

The City of Moscow has been awarded a $7,000 grant from Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to provide information and educational materials focused on the protection of the community public water supply system.  Community involvement and education is one of the central themes in this project which will provide long-term benefits to drinking water quality, quantity, and awareness.  A public education and awareness program will be provided via workshops, signage, brochures, etc.  The Water Department annually budgets for conservation information measures which will be used as the match.  It is planned to prepare and solicit requests to subcontract the services to a local educational entity.


ACTION:  Recommend approval to execute the DEQ Subgrantee Agreement for $7,000 with the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality under the Source Water Protection Grant Program to expand the public education and awareness program for protection of drinking water or take such other action deemed appropriate.


7.      Request to Appeal Census Data - Bill Belknap

In July of 2007, the City was approached by Attorney James Ball on behalf of his client Barry Tassler with a request that the City pursue an appeal to the Census Bureau's 2006 population estimate for the City of Moscow.  At that time the City declined to pursue the appeal.  The City has again been approached by Attorney Bob Tunnicliff on behalf of his client Barry Tassler with a request that the City pursue an appeal to the Census Bureau's recently published 2007 population estimate of 23,223 based upon their belief that the Census Bureau is underestimating the current population of Moscow.  The Chair of the Public Works Finance Committee has requested that this matter be placed upon the Committee's agenda for discussion by the Committee.


ACTION:  Discuss request and provide direction to staff; or take such other action deemed appropriate.





Future Agenda Items

Installation of Purple Pipe with New Construction, Street Projects, etc. - Les MacDonald

Stormwater Phase II Status - Les MacDonald (9/22)



NOTICE:  Individuals attending the meeting who require special assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments, please contact the City Clerk, at (208) 883-7015 or TDD 883-7019, as soon as possible so that arrangements may be made.

Stephanie Kalasz, Moscow City Clerk

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