[Vision2020] God supports Obama

Saundra Lund sslund_2007 at verizon.net
Mon Sep 1 17:03:39 PDT 2008

Dan Carscallan wrote:

"Is this how all of Moscow's "progressives" think?"


You know, that's really quite an insulting question . . . as though all
progressives or liberals or whatever the current term is can be lumped
together.  What's the matter, Dan, do we all look alike to you?  How
terribly sad for you, and how disappointing to me that you resort to
kneejerk stereotyping when someone upsets you.


Perhaps every time I see a conservative on the street - or in City Hall -- I
should ask if all Moscow's "conservatives" agree with the hatemongering &
divisiveness & name calling - including that which took place the day after
our last city election - I hear from Moscow's "conservatives."  Where was
your voice of outrage then, Dan?  


Silly me - I've always preferred to hold individuals accountable for their
own actions and words rather than painting people guilty by association.


Though I don't agree, I "get" the intended humor in Bill's post.  As I see
it, the difference is that Bill was attempting to be funny, even if it fell
flat for you and I, while the crap I hear coming out of some local
conservatives is Dead Serious and chills me to the bone.




Saundra Lund

Moscow, ID


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do

~ Edmund Burke


***** Original material contained herein is Copyright 2008 through life plus
70 years, Saundra Lund.  Do not copy, forward, excerpt, or reproduce outside
the Vision 2020 forum without the express written permission of the


From: vision2020-bounces at moscow.com [mailto:vision2020-bounces at moscow.com]
On Behalf Of Dan Carscallen
Sent: Monday, September 01, 2008 3:43 PM
To: 'v2020'
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] God supports Obama


Let me get this straight:  Bill London cheers the potential death and
imminent destruction caused by a hurricane hitting the gulf coast because it
will disrupt the national convention of the party he diametrically opposes.
Is this how all of Moscow's "progressives" think?





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