[Vision2020] Barack, papers, scissors

No Weatherman no.weatherman at gmail.com
Mon Oct 27 05:51:40 PDT 2008

Obama's birth certificate sealed by Hawaii governor
Says Democratic senator must make request to obtain original document

By Jerome R. Corsi
(c) 2008 WorldNetDaily
HONOLULU, Hawaii — Although the legitimacy of Sen. Barack Obama's
birth certificate has become a focus of intense speculation — and even
several lawsuits — WND has learned that Hawaii's Gov. Linda Lingle has
placed the candidate's birth certificate under seal, and instructed
the state's Department of Health to make sure no one in the press
obtains access to the original document under any circumstances.

The governor's office officially declined a request made in writing by
WND in Hawaii to obtain a copy of the hospital-generated original
birth certificate of Barack Obama.

"It does not appear that Dr. Corsi is within any of these categories
of persons with a direct and tangible interest in the birth
certificate he seeks," wrote Roz Makuala, manager of constituent
services in the governor's office, in an e-mailed response to a WND
request seeking the information.

Those listed as entitled to obtain a copy of an original birth
certificate include the person born, or "registrant" according to the
legal description from the governor's office, the spouse or parent of
the registrant, a descendant of the registrant, a person having a
common ancestor with the registrant, a legal guardian of the
registrant, or a person or agency acting on behalf of the registrant.

WND was told the official reason for denial of access to Obama's birth
certificate would be authority granted pursuant to Section 338-18 of
the Hawaii Revised Statutes, a provision the anonymous source claimed
was designed to prevent identity theft.

Still, the source told WND confidentially the motivation for
withholding the original birth certificate was political, although the
source refused to disclose whether there was any information on the
original birth certificate that would prove politically embarrassing
to Obama.

The source also refused to answer WND's question whether the original
document on file with the Department of Health was a
hospital-generated birth certificate or a registration of birth that
may have been filed subsequent to the birth.

The anonymous source made clear the Hawaii Department of Health would
immediately release Obama's original birth certificate, provided Obama
requested the document be released, but the Department of Heath has
received no such request from the senator or from anyone acting
officially on his behalf.

WND also found on microfilm in the Honolulu downtown public library a
notice published under the "Births, Marriages, Deaths" section of the
Honolulu Sunday Advertiser for August 13, 1961, on page B-6, noting:
"Mr. and Mrs. Barack II Obama. 6085 Kalanianaole-Hwy, son, Aug. 4."

In searching through the birth notices of the Honolulu Advertiser for
1961, WND found many birth notices were published between one and two
weeks after the date of birth listed.

The notice in the Honolulu Advertiser does not list the hospital where
the Obama son was born or the doctor who delivered the baby.

In a startling development, Obama's Kenyan grandmother has reportedly
alleged she witnessed Obama's birth at the Coast Provincial Hospital
in Mombasa, Kenya.

Friday, U.S. Federal judge Richard Barclay Surrick, a Clinton
appointee, dismissed a lawsuit brought by Pennsylvania attorney
Phillip J. Berg who alleged Obama was not a U.S. "natural born"
citizen and therefore ineligible for the presidency under the
specifications of the U.S. Constitution, under Article II, Section 1.

Berg told WND last week he does not have a copy of a Kenyan birth
certificate for Obama that he alleges exists.

In Kenya, WND was told by government authorities that all documents
concerning Obama were under seal until after the U.S. presidential
election on November 4.

The Obama campaign website entitled "Fight the Smears" posts a State
of Hawaii "Certificate of Live Birth" which is obviously not the
original birth certificate generate by the hospital where Obama was

"Fight the Smears" declares, "The truth is, Barack Obama was born in
the state of Hawaii in 1961, a native citizen of the United States of

Although the Obama campaign could immediately put an end to all the
challenges by simply producing the candidate's original birth
certificate, it has not done so. And the "Fight the Smears" website
offers no explanation as to why Obama has refused to request, and make
public, an original hospital-generated birth certificate which the
Hawaii Department of Health may possess.

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