[Vision2020] Why the Republicans Must Lose

Saundra Lund sslund_2007 at verizon.net
Sun Oct 26 11:23:49 PDT 2008

Why the Republicans Must Lose
Nothing short of defeat will put the GOP back on its limited government
Radley Balko | October 22, 2008

I grew up in a particularly conservative part of the already conservative
state of Indiana. I voted for Bob Dole in 1996 and George Bush in 2000,
generally because-though I'm not a conservative (I'm a libertarian)-I'd
always thought the GOP was the party of limited government. By 2002, I was
less sure of that. And by 2004, I was so fed up with the party that I did
what I thought I'd never do-vote for an unabashed leftist for president.

Since then, "fed up" has soured to "given up." The Republican Party has
exiled its Goldwater-Reagan wing and given up all pretense of any allegiance
to limited government. In the last eight years, the GOP has given us a
monstrous new federal bureaucracy in the Department of Homeland Security. In
the prescription drug benefit, it's given us the largest new federal
entitlement since the Johnson administration. Federal spending-even on items
not related to war or national security-has soared. And we now get to watch
as the party that's supposed to be "free market" nationalizes huge chunks of
the economy's financial sector.

This isn't to say that Barack Obama would be any better. Government would
undoubtedly grow under his watch. And from my libertarian perspective, he
has been increasingly disappointing even on the issues where he's supposed
to be good. We may not go to war with Iran in an Obama administration, but
we'd likely become entrenched in a prolonged nation-building adventure in
the Sudan. Obama's vote on the FISA bill and telecom immunity also suggests
that, for all his criticisms of President Bush's use of executive power and
assaults on civil liberties, Obama wouldn't be much better. On the drug war,
Obama has promised to end the federal raids on medical marijuana clinics in
states that have legalized the drug for treatment, but he wants to resurrect
failed federal criminal justice block grant programs that have had some
disastrous effects on civil liberties.

While I'm not thrilled at the prospect of an Obama administration
(especially with a friendly Congress), the Republicans still need to get
their clocks cleaned in two weeks, for a couple of reasons.

First, they had their shot at holding power, and they failed. They've failed
in staying true to their principles of limited government and free markets.
They've failed in preventing elected leaders of their party from becoming
corrupted by the trappings of power, and they've failed to hold those
leaders accountable after the fact. Congressional Republicans failed to rein
in the Bush administration's naked bid to vastly expand the power of the
presidency (a failure they're going to come to regret should Obama take
office in January). They failed to apply due scrutiny and skepticism to the
administration's claims before undertaking Congress' most solemn
task-sending the nation to war. I could go on.

As for the Bush administration, the only consistent principle we've seen
from the White House over the last eight years is that of elevating the
American president (and, I guess, the vice president) to that of an elected
dictator. That isn't hyperbole. This administration believes that on any
issue that can remotely be tied to foreign policy or national security (and
on quite a few other issues as well), the president has boundless,
limitless, unchecked power to do anything he wants. They believe that on
these matters, neither Congress nor the courts can restrain him.

That's the second reason the GOP needs to lose. American voters need to send
a clear, convincing repudiation of these dangerous ideas.

If they do lose, the GOP would be wise to regroup and rebuild from scratch,
scrap the current leadership, and, most importantly, purge the party of the
"national greatness," neoconservative influence. Big-government conservatism
has bloated the federal government, bogged us down in what will ultimately
be a trillion-dollar war, and set us down the road to European-style
socialism. It's hard to think of how Obama could be worse. He'll just be bad
in different ways.

The truth is, unless you vote for a third-party candidate (which really
isn't a bad idea), you don't have much of a choice this November. You can
either endorse the idea of a massive, invasive, ever-encroaching federal
government that's used to promote center-left ideology, or you can endorse
the idea of a massive, invasive, ever-encroaching federal government that's
used to promote center-right ideology.

Sadly, if the GOP does lose, it's likely to be interpreted not as a
repudiation of the GOP's excesses, but as an endorsement of the Democrats'.
When the only two parties who have a chance at winning both have a track
record of expanding the size and scope of government, every election is
likely to be interpreted as a win for big government-only the brand changes.

Voting yourself more freedom simply isn't an option, at least if you want
your vote to be taken seriously (and I'm not denigrating any third parties
here; I'm just reflecting reality).

Which brings me back to why the Republicans need to get throttled: A
humiliated, decimated GOP that rejuvenates and rebuilds around the
principles of limited government, free markets, and rugged individualism is
really the only chance for voters to possibly get a real choice in federal
elections down the road.

Of course, there's no guarantee that's how the party will emerge from
defeat. But the Republican Party in its current form has forfeited its right
to govern.

Radley Balko is a senior editor of reason. A version of this article
originally appeared at FoxNews.com.


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