[Vision2020] melamine tainted eggs

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Sun Oct 26 07:16:46 PDT 2008

The bottom line is . . . thanks to the Bush Administration we re indebted 
to the Chinese government to a tune in excess of $500 billion.  I am 
guessing that "We, the people . . . " will have to maintain favored nation 
status upon China at least until our "debt" is paid (by our children and 
our children's children).

Until then, may I suggest purchasing your eggs from Burl Ives' Big Rock 
Candy Mountain where the hens lay sof-boiled eggs.


Seeya round town, Moscow.

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho

> CNN is reporting that eggs from China have been found to be contaminated
wi> th melamine, a substance found in plastics and known to cause kidney
fail> ure.  
> If you're thinking "well that doesn't concern me because MY eggs come 
> Winco. . . ." think again because these tainted eggs have been used in 
> manufacture of baked goods.
> Ellen A.

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