[Vision2020] Obama's birth certificate

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Sat Oct 25 16:53:45 PDT 2008

Thanks for bringing this up, as well, Keely.

There are a couple things that tend to disqualify His-Whineyness' (aka the 
un-pastor Wilson) claim that Barack Obama's Hawaiian birth certificate is 

1)  If you'll notice the birth certificate that Wilson claims to be "a 
vault copy from around the same time and same island" reflects a birth 
that had taken place in a military (US Government) hospital.


Certificates of live births prepared and submitted by military hospital 
staff often differ in form from certificates of live births recorded at 
civilian hospitals.

2)  What is clearly obvious with a quick glance at what Wilson claims to 
be a fake certification of live birth of Barack Obama is that it was 
computer-produced, much like what one may expect after submitting a public 
records request to the Hawaii Department of Health.


This may simply be a computer-produced certification of live birth with 
information retrieved from a database, of probably many databases, 
maintained by the Hawaii Department of Health.

OK, guys?

There is nothing to see here.  Now let's move on, ok?

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho

> "Original birth certificates" are not the property of any person.  You
don'> t get "your own" birth certificate; you get a certified copy.  
b> irth certificates are the property of the State that issues them.  (By 
> way, this includes the non-military Panamanian hospital in which McCain
w> as born -- that jurisdiction maintains ownership of all such records).
> "At least according to Berg" here isn't exactly an attribution I'd go too
f> ar with . . . 
> Keely
> http://keely-prevailingwinds.blogspot.com/

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