[Vision2020] Biden, the gift that keeps on giving

No Weatherman no.weatherman at gmail.com
Tue Oct 21 12:40:58 PDT 2008


Have you been to the Mix-Lund school of reading?

One at a time:

"1. You think people deserve 'the chair' for blowing up inanimate objects*?"

No, not at all, but I can see why you would believe this if you
inferred false conclusions about me from my posts which is a common
ailment among the leftists in this forum.

Let's get the facts straight. On May 21, 1970, the Weather Underground
Organization issued a statement of declaration of war against the
United States of America. Bernardine Dohrn read the statement for the

Section 3 of Article III of the US Constitution states:

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War
against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and
Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the
Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in
open Court."

Section 2381 of United States Code Title 18 states:

"Whomever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against
them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within
the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer
death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under
this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of
holding any office under the United States."

Therefore, I believe that the members of the Weather Underground
deserve the chair.

"2. Also, expand on how a Reagan ambassador was throwing gobs of money
at the eventual overthrow of the United States government."

Ah, yes, the old "Reagan ambassador" trick. You're probably thinking
that "Reagan ambassador" = "Ronald Reagan" and therefore "Ronald
Reagan was throwing gobs of money at the eventual overthrow of the US
government." When you want to frame the question honestly I'll answer

3. Also, while you're at it, explain how a pro-life anti-socialist G.
Gordon Liddy listener who thinks we should immediately attack Iran is
a fervent Hillary supporter.

I am pro-life. I am anti-socialist. I used to listen to Liddy daily
about 12 years ago for about 3 years straight. Since then, I think
I've caught a total of 60 minutes of his show all combined as time has
permitted. I never said "we should immediately attack Iran." And I
have never been big on John McCain. I would have voted for Hillary for
the same reasons PUMAs intend to vote for McCain.

"4. * The one murder committed by members of the Weather Underground
occurred years after the dissolution of the organization and without
the collusion of either Ayers or his wife. Of course, you knew this,
but are again lying just to propagate right wing smears."

The Weather Underground has never dissolved its organization (at least
to my knowledge, if you know otherwise I would appreciate a reference)
and its leadership has not rescinded its agenda. Bill Ayers and his
wife are on record stating that they regret they did not do enough.

Even though no indictments were served, I believe that Bernadine Dorhn
participated in the murder of Sgt. Brian V. McDonnell on Feb. 16,
1970, and you obviously know about the WUO's murder of two police
officers on October 20, 1981.

Here's a list of the Weather Underground's crimes. I believe you
called it "blowing up inanimate objects." However, if one of those
bombs blew up the inanimate object you call "home," I'd bet you think
differently about downplaying their domestic terrorism:


As you say, ACS, "Of course, you knew this, but are again lying just
to propagate left wing smears."

You really need to do something about your anger.

On 10/21/08, Andreas Schou <ophite at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Ayers and his wife are cop-killing domestic terrorists who deserve the
> chair.
> >
> Really? You think people deserve 'the chair' for blowing up inanimate
> objects*? Expand on this. Also, expand on how a Reagan ambassador was
> throwing gobs of money at the eventual overthrow of the United States
> government. I'm really, really interested in this.
> Also, while you're at it, explain how a pro-life anti-socialist G. Gordon
> Liddy listener who thinks we should immediately attack Iran is a fervent
> Hillary supporter.
> -- ACS
> * The one murder committed by members of the Weather Underground occurred
> years after the dissolution of the organization and without the collusion of
> either Ayers or his wife. Of course, you knew this, but are again lying just
> to propagate right wing smears.

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