[Vision2020] A Plea to Visionaires (Saundra Lund)

lfalen lfalen at turbonet.com
Tue Oct 21 10:40:13 PDT 2008

Thanks very much for your excellent post. I completely agree although I think we probable have different viewpoints on the issues.. I am out of here until next week.
-----Original message-----
From: donald edwards donaledwards at hotmail.com
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2008 14:45:54 -0700
To: vision2020 at moscow.com
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] A Plea to Visionaires (Saundra Lund)

> Hi all,
> I just wanted to say that I have appreciated Weatherman's posts to the Viz not because I agree or disagree (or because it is within the self governed rules of posting) but because it gives us that have not been around as long or who have only recently become interested in political issues a great way to here points of view from both sides and see how issues can be spun and contorted to fit one's agenda.  I would be almost completely unaware of many of the issues that our resident troll has brought to the table if it weren't for his many posts and the subsequent responses.
> Reading his posts and where they come from, then getting to hear documented rebuttals has been very constructive in the forming of my own views and how to respond when even my wife comes home with some propaganda she's heard at her work or forwards in an e-mail.  I hope this has happened for others on the list and hope that the higher educated members of this list would not be turned off to the point of unsubscribing; thereby failing to share their take with us and potentially succumbing to the rants of our resident anonymous poster.  This list works best when there are equal posts from all points of view, I would have been bored with it a long time ago if it was purely a Republican bashing site (although I do love "Bashing Bush!")
> Personally, I don't care if someone attaches their name to their post for whatever reason.  I wish we were all required to be anonymous because I agree that folks should have a right to speak freely here without fear of personal repercusions and that all of our posts should be taken and considered based on their content, not the author.  Maybe it's because I don't really know anyone on the list personally so am already reading the posts from an anonymous perspective.  The very fact that names are required on this list has prevented me from maybe posting on issues that would be considered controversial because of the nature of living in a small town.  I think this is a disservice to free speech and wonder how many others could have brought points to the discussions here that might have made us all see another side if they knew that they would not be identified.
> So I guess my point is to please not just delete his posts but reply honestly because you never know who is paying attention and how they are being affected.  If he posts something that is an obvious and easily documented lie then we the uneducated may believe it on face value if never given the opposing arguments.  I would have never known what I know now about Ayers, ACORN, Wasila Lake, Troopergate and the multitude of others subjects if not for this his posts and the responses to them except for the highly condensed versions that we see and hear in the debates and Youtube montages, etc.
> Thanks to THE VIZONAIRES, one and ALL because we are still "WE, the People" right? 
> Don Edwards
> www.RealizeAmericanDream.com > Message: 1> Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2008 13:36:58 -0700> From: "Saundra Lund" <sslund_2007 at verizon.net>> Subject: Re: [Vision2020] A Plea to Visionaires> To: "'lfalen'" <lfalen at turbonet.com>, <vision2020 at moscow.com>> Message-ID: <056501c932f3$9a297620$ce7c6260$@net>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1> > Roger,> > I think you're completely wrong on this. I think what Tom and many, many,> many other forum members really object to is the ***quantity*** of the> troll's posts. The anonymous coward made it clear from the beginning that> he wasn't interested in honest dialogue or debate but rather in simply> hurling invective and insulting those who disagree with him. When someone> pointed out to him that the convention in the V2020 living room was to try> to limit posts to 2-3 per day, he said he'd post as much as he wanted. And,> he's proceeded to do so: just in October, he's posted OVER THREE HUNDRED> TIMES. Get a clue: he's nothing more tha!
 n a
cowardly rude troll with an> agenda to disrupt and destroy this forum with his invective.> > While I refuse to interact with nameless cowards, I also refuse to allow> this troll to turn this COMMUNITY forum into his own one-sided playground.> Only when it became undeniable that the troll has absolutely no respect for> the way the V2020 community works did I start standing up to the bully by> posting news from the other side, and even then, my "count" is still way> under a hundred for this month -- and barely over a daily average of three> posts per day. And, I'll add that I've received more than a few offlist> responses from folks all along the political spectrum thanking me for the> articles I've been posting in response to the troll's firestorm.> > I see your subsequent post where you suggest that people apply Donovan's> (joking or not) suggestion about dealing with the troll's record posting> frequency by doing the same to me. Shame on you, Roger -- you've been> around he!
 re long
enough to know that I am a genuine participant who has> posted according to our "on our honor" posting guidelines for years now.> > I do find it telling that you once again come out in defense of those with> whom you agree while ignoring their multitude transgressions and insults> against those with whom you disagree.> > So, what -- if any -- suggestions do you have to deal with trolls like the> one trick pony No Weatherman's attempts to take over this forum for his own> anti-Obama agenda by posting OVER THREE HUNDRED TIMES in fewer than 20 days?> He's drowning out legitimate conversation and driving away list members and> their participation in this COMMUNITY forum, which is indisputably one of> his goals.> > Yes, you're completely wrong Roger -- those of us who object to the cowardly> anonymous troll's attempt to take over this forum would be just as> frustrated by the volume regardless of the topic or political direction.> > > Saundra Lund> Moscow, ID> > The only thing ne!
for the triumph of evil is for good people to do> nothing.> ~ Edmund Burke> > ***** Original material contained herein is Copyright 2008 through life plus> 70 years, Saundra Lund.? Do not copy, forward, excerpt, or reproduce outside> the Vision 2020 forum without the express written permission of the> author.*****> > > -----Original Message-----> From: vision2020-bounces at moscow.com [mailto:vision2020-bounces at moscow.com]> On Behalf Of lfalen> Sent: Monday, October 20, 2008 11:09 AM> To: No Weatherman; vision2020 at moscow.com> Subject: Re: [Vision2020] A Plea to Visionaires> > Tom apparently only wants left wing views to be aired. Anything else is> racist and profane. I would like Ton to demonstrate where No Wheathermans> posts have been any more objectionable than some of his. I submit that they> are objectionable and profane because he disagrees with the veiws> expressed. No Wheatherman seems to me to do a petty good job of> documentation when listing facts. Everyone have the !
 right to
an> opinion(within reason) without documentation as long as it not presented as> fact.> Roger> > > > ------------------------------> 
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