[Vision2020] The "race card"

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Sun Oct 19 07:57:03 PDT 2008

Exactly, Ellen!

"The race card" is just another term that accomplishes nothing other than 
to divide us.  "The race card" is an "us and them" euphamism.  Absolutely 
nothing good can come from suggesting it.

This reminds me of an old saying . . . (paraphrasing)

"You cannot unite the whole by segregating its parts."

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho

> You have no idea how vehemently I dislike use of that phrase "the race
card> ". . . . who coined that anyway?
> You know what it really does?  It perpetuates fear, hate and
misunderstan> ding. . . and it can go both ways.  And every time it's 
used, it
empowers>  bigotry. . . I don't care who's saying it.
> Ellen A. Roskovich
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