[Vision2020] Where did Barack Obama launch his political career?

No Weatherman no.weatherman at gmail.com
Fri Oct 17 05:59:18 PDT 2008

Ms. Roskovich,

My ducks are in a row, thank you, and I have read the facts.

The question was rhetorical to make the point that Barack Obama is as
dishonest as some of his supporters on this list.

Btw, I don't read Fact Check for a couple reasons.

First, the Annenberg connection is an obvious conflict of interest,
disclaimer notwithstanding.

Second, who died and declared them the sole arbiter of factual truth?
IOW, who checks the fact checker?

Third, it bothers me when self-proclaimed "fact checkers" cheat. For
example, on the page you link to it says,

"'McCain: We need to know the full extent of Sen. Obama's relationship
with ACORN, who is now on the verge of maybe perpetrating one of the
greatest frauds in voter history in this country, maybe destroying the
fabric of democracy.'

"It's true that the voter registration wing of the Association of
Community Organizers for Reform Now has run into trouble in several
states. ACORN employees have been investigated and in some cases
indicted for voter registration fraud. Most recently, more than 2,000
registrations in Lake County, Ind., have turned out to be falsified.

"But does this constitute "destroying the fabric of democracy"? More
like destroying the fabric of work ethic. There's been no evidence
that the ACORN employees who submitted fraudulent forms have been
paving the way for illegal voting. Rather, they're trying to get paid
for doing no work."

This explains where Chas got his facts but it doesn't answer McCain's
point. In fact, it changes the subject to ignore the point which lends
credibility to my hunch that Annenberg is in the tank for Obama.

A better example of Fact Check's pro-Obama stance is the way they
changed images of Obama's birth certificate on their site:


Btw, why would Obama give Fact Check an image of his birth certificate
but they won't show an original to the judge?

PS: Loved your pizza!

On 10/16/08, Ellen Roskovich <gussie443 at hotmail.com> wrote:
>  Here. . . go dig around for facts like the rest of us do.  READ.  Don't
> just rely on little youtube video clips that can be edited and manipulated.
> You seem to have a lot of time on your hands.  Get all your duckies lined up
> in a row. . .  and then maybe you'll be able to keep your posts down to
> THREE and my delete button will have a chance to cool down.
> http://www.factcheck.org/elections-2008/factchecking_debate_no_3.html
>  Ellen A. Roskovich
> > Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2008 08:05:08 -0800
> > From: no.weatherman at gmail.com
> > To: vision2020 at moscow.com
> > Subject: [Vision2020] Where did Barack Obama launch his political career?
> >
> > This CNN video (4:35) shows that State Senator Alice Palmer announced
> > Barack Obama as her heir apparent at the home of domestic terrorist
> > Bill Ayers:
> >
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvROBLortBQ
> >
> > Last night, however, Barack Obama absolutely denied that he launched
> > his political career at Ayers house (3:35):
> >
> >
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abLh3b68IHchttp://www.factcheck.org/elections-2008/factchecking_debate_no_3.html
> >
> > I am confused. Should I believe Alice Palmer or Barack Obama?
> >
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