[Vision2020] Barack Obama supporters call Sarah Palin a “C#*t.”

Chasuk chasuk at gmail.com
Sun Oct 12 22:16:08 PDT 2008

I am generally not offended by profanity.  Unidentified members of
some unappointed board -- AKA "society" -- decides arbitrarily which
words are naughty, which words are really, really naughty, and which
words are acceptable.

I do object to profanity when it is used as verbal punctuation, in
much the same way that I object to "ya know" and "eh."  I inwardly
groan, and make a mental note to avoid lengthy conversations with that
person again.

There is no correlation between the use of profanity and intelligence,
despite the contrary folk wisdom.  I've known stupid people with
antiseptic vocabularies, and vice versa

But at least we can agree that Palin is... unsavory?  Morally
offensive?  Yes!  For you, Keely.  Accuracy without vulgarity.

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