[Vision2020] Call-In Candidates Forums on KRFP 92.5 Mon., Oct. 13th through Thu., Oct. 30th at 6:30 pm

KRFP krfp at radiofreemoscow.org
Sun Oct 12 12:35:11 PDT 2008


*For Immediate Release*

*Oct. 9, 2008*

*KRFP / Radio Free Moscow has confirmed all candidates in contested 
Legislative District 6 and Latah County races plan to participate in 
live, call-in candidates' forums with their opponents. The forums will 
last one hour.*

*The forums, in which listeners can call in their questions for the 
candidates, will take place at the KRFP Studios in Moscow.  The call-in 
phone number will be announced during the broadcasts.

*The schedule is as follows:*

**Mon., Oct. 13th 6:30 pm - County Prosecutor
Brian Thie / Bill Thompson, Jr.
*Tues., Oct. 14th 6:30 pm-County Commission
Jennifer Barrett / Carl Hulquist*

*Mon., Oct. 20th 6:30 pm-Idaho House Dist 6, Pos. A
Judy Brown / Tom Trail

Tues., Oct. 21st 6:30 pm-Latah County Sheriff
Wayne Rausch / Keith Wilson

Mon., Oct. 27th 6:30 pm-Idaho House Dist 6, Pos. B *
*Bob Hassoldt / Shirley Ringo

Thurs., Oct. 30th 6:30 pm-Idaho Senate Dist 6
Gary Schroeder / Sheldon Vincenti

*Listeners can tune in at 92.5 on their FM dial in the Moscow area, or 
on the web at www.radiofreemoscow.com <http://www.radiofreemoscow.com/> .*

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