[Vision2020] CNN starts to do its job

No Weatherman no.weatherman at gmail.com
Sat Oct 11 06:43:18 PDT 2008


Thanks for the links but none of them address the rampant voter fraud
being reported in essentially every battleground state — the kind
where ACORN registers dead people to vote or where they pay citizens
money and cigarettes for serial registrations.

On 10/10/08, Andreas Schou <ophite at gmail.com> wrote:
> > But if the lying thieves at ACORN steal this thing for him, then
>  > that's another story, and if you follow the current trajectory of
>  > where this election is going, John McCain will have to challenge the
>  > vote count in every swing state simply because it's not normal for
>  > dead people to cast ballots, except in Chi town. Florida was nothing
>  > compared to the national disaster Obama has planned for us.
> NW --
>  The Republicans have been ginning up voter fraud hysteria since 2000.
>  The US Attorneys the Bush Administration fired -- loyal Republicans --
>  were removed because of their inability to bring any significant
>  number of voter fraud cases.  They were then replaced with Republican
>  hacks hand-selected for their willingness to bring voter fraud cases.
>  The number that have actually been brought are still in their teens.
>  Again: these US Attorneys were selected largely for their lack of
>  principles regarding political prosecutions, and they *still* couldn't
>  bring federal voter fraud cases past the summary judgment stage.
>  A bipartisan report commissioned at the beginning of the Help America
>  Vote Act found that, while registration fraud was endemic (and that
>  ACORN's practice of paying piecework rates was unhelpful), there was
>  an utterly insignificant amount of voter fraud. Note that ACORN is
>  required by state and federal law to enter every registration form it
>  receives, even if they consider those registrations fraudulent.
>  -- ACS
>  http://www.slate.com/id/2166287/
>  http://www.slate.com/id/2136776/
>  http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/05/13/AR2007051301106.html

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