[Vision2020] An Obama Dilemma

No Weatherman no.weatherman at gmail.com
Thu Oct 2 11:45:20 PDT 2008

At the risk of offending those of you who have already taken offense
by my cowardly, anonymous, and purely factual presence in this
one-sided conversation, please allow me to ask a terribly awkward
question that I hope will cut to the heart of this issue about when
life begins.

We all know that Barrack Hussein Obama is the illegitimate son (one of
many) of a Kenyan father who knocked up a teenager from Kansas.

Let's say that Roe v. Wade was in place back then and that Obama's
mother attempted to terminate her pregnancy, via a saline abortion,
but things went sadly awry — the baby, or as some on this list prefer
to call it, the "potential human being," refused to die.

What moral obligations, if any, do you believe should be on the
attending physicians:

1.	Kill the baby.
2.	Abandon the baby (which is number 1 by another name).
3.	Save the baby.
4.	Other.

As I said, this is a terribly awkward question but it helps put flesh
and bones on this sensitive subject and it's not beyond the realm of
possibility because it happens more often than Americans want to know:


Barrack Hussein Obama said that this question was above his pay grade,
but we all know he was just avoiding the uncomfortable truth. That
"potential human" in the womb is a precious human life and Obama
should get on his knees every night and thank his maker that his
mother couldn't resort to Roe v. Wade to kill him.

Part of the daily fudge.

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