[Vision2020] Palin Candidacy Helps Planned Parenthood Fundraising

Jeff Harkins jeffh at moscow.com
Thu Oct 2 10:29:35 PDT 2008


You are not even on the field of play.

No one is having their choices denied with respect to pro-life, pro 
abortion.  Someone as smart as you should realize that.  You are 
making a straw man argument - Roe vs Wade is the rule of law here.

The question is, would Gov. Palin attempt to overturn Roe vs. 
Wade?  There seems to be no evidence that she would indeed attempt that.

She has had ample opportunity in her political career to launch such 
a campaign.  And I am not aware of evidence to suggest that she 
has.  But, she is entitled to her values - just as you are.

What does seem to be happening is that pro-choicers aren't satisfied 
with the current status of the law - they seem intent on making those 
with a different paradigm succumb to their view.  The Palin donation 
scam is a tasteless tactic - not intended to do anything but hurt Gov. Palin.

You do have a selective memory.  I did post my feelings about that 
incident, but I had nothing to do with that incident.  Frankly, I was 
a treasurer for a campaign and what I remember most vividly is all 
the name calling and threats of violence coming from your end of 
things - liar, punch noses, etc.

At 08:41 AM 10/2/2008, you wrote:
>You are way off base, Jeff.
>To claim a donation to Planned Parenthood was to honor Governor 
>Sarah is irony. Everyone knows
>her views on the topic. There is no intent here to misrepresent 
>those views. To suggest otherwise
>is like saying a report that your previous comment was REAL 
>intelligent (nudge, nudge, wink, wink)
>is to issue you a compliment. It isn't. It is sarcasm, meaning the 
>opposite of what is literally said.
>One might want to say the strategy is rude since it is in-your-face 
>but there is nothing more
>in-your-face than depriving someone of the right to make one's own 
>choice about such a complex
>issue. It is just another instance of demanding a level of civility 
>in politics that Palin and the rest
>of the radical right are unwilling to deliver to their opponents. 
>For someone who led a recent
>campaign that benefited from the fact that a man held a sign 
>downtown calling your opponents
>"bigots," you have a lot of nerve complaining about this. I don't 
>remember you saying a thing then.
>And no I won't ever forget that incident, or your involvement with it.
>Joe Campbell
>---- Jeff Harkins <jeffh at moscow.com> wrote:
> > Chasuk,
> >
> > I use an older dictionary - probably because I am older.
> >
> > Defame - to attack or injure the reputation or honor of by false and
> > malicious statements; malign, slander or libel.
> > [Webster's New World, 3rd College Edition, 1988]
> >
> > To claim a donation to Planned Parenthood was to honor Governor Sarah
> > Palin is a false and malicious statement.  The intent is to malign
> > the Vice Presidential Candidate Gov. Sarah Palin.
> >
> > It is interesting that we agree on the vendetta against Christ
> > Church, e.g., counterproductive and hypocritical.
> >
> > At 08:45 PM 10/1/2008, you wrote:
> > >On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 19:54, Jeff Harkins <jeffh at moscow.com> wrote:
> > >
> > > > An obvious attack on Gov. Palin's character and her values.  Read
> > > carefully,
> > > > you could spare a lot of energy.
> > >
> > >I do read carefully, but I also know what "defame" means,  when it it
> > >apparent that you don't.
> > >
> > >  > Tell you what - let's start a campaign, in
> > >  your name, to provide donations to Christ Church.  Are you in?
> > >
> > >Certainly.  I would be honored.  I'm not a member of the
> > >I-hate-Doug-tribe.  The beliefs and practices of Kirkers are no more
> > >alarming than the beliefs or practices of numerous Roman Catholics or
> > >Mormons in Moscow, so I consider the entire vendetta counterproductive
> > >and hypocritical.
> >
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