[Vision2020] Intoleristas (was Re: Who Dat?)
Paul Rumelhart
godshatter at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 23 12:48:48 PST 2008
I'm kind of in the middle on the Intolerista thing. I'm obviously far
more liberal than most members of Christ Church, assuming we are using
the common term and not whatever "classical liberal" term Dale was
speaking about. However, I think they have a point in that there does
seem to be a large amount of intolerance towards that particular church
by many of those on this list. I've raised my objections before, so I
won't really go into it here. Granted, they are taking the term and
running with it because it makes for great sound bites.
I was a little miffed a while back to find out that one of my posts here
on the viz ended up on the "Intolerista Island" section of his blog.
Not miffed in a copyright sort of way, but miffed I was assumed to be a
card-carrying member. The post, if I remember it right, was discussing
my assertion that corporations don't have a right to make a profit.
They, of course, loved the "sound bite" quality of that phrase and ran
with it. However, I was miffed because I don't think of myself as an
Intolerista, because I disagree with those on this list about the amount
of rancor we should be tossing at that particular group. I think we'd
be better off it we just accepted them freely into our community.
I do think they tend to paint with too broad a brush, and they like
sound bites too much, in a mean, schoolyard bully sort of way. I have
given them at least two they seem to like (the one mentioned above and
"I'm not looking for a Jesus to be President" or something similar to that).
Btw, if Dale or Doug are reading this, I'd like to know what about that
particular random post they thought made me worthy of being included in
the Intolerista community. Not that I really mind the association that
much, but I thought I was doing a better job of leaning towards the
middle in this particular area. I assumed they were far more favorable
towards the idea of a free market than they apparently are. My point
about corporations not having a right to make a profit was meant to
convey the idea that they should all compete on a level playing field,
and should not be lobbying to make special rules for them to survive
when they otherwise shouldn't. Instead of gaming the system, they
should simply die off if they don't have the right qualities to be able
to make a profit.
keely emerinemix wrote:
> Do I detect the mellifluous dulcet tones of Dale Courtney?
> Keely
> http://keely-prevailingwinds.blogspot.com/
> > To: vision2020 at moscow.com
> > From: thansen at moscow.com
> > Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2008 19:39:32 +0000
> > Subject: [Vision2020] Who Dat?
> >
> > Greetings Visionaires -
> >
> > On February 27, 2005 KUOI's own Tim Lohrmann aired a 90-minute taped
> > interview of a local individual concerning Moscow politics, taxes,
> > property rights, etc. etc.
> >
> > Linked below is a portion of that interview concerning the origin of
> the
> > term "Intoleristas".
> >
> > I could give you a hint as to who this individual is, but I am
> simply not
> > of the right mind to do so. So, I leave it to you fine people of the
> Viz
> > to answer the question . . .
> >
> > Who Dat?
> > http://www.tomandrodna.com/Sounds/Intoleristas_KUOI_022705.mp3
> >
> > Seeya round town, Moscow.
> >
> > Tom Hansen
> > Moscow, Idaho
> >
> >
> > ---------------------------------------------
> > This message was sent by First Step Internet.
> > http://www.fsr.com/
> >
> >
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