[Vision2020] Strange Weather

Art Deco deco at moscow.com
Thu Nov 20 15:17:16 PST 2008


Thank you for the information.  

Here is a graphic from Steve Shook's nearby weather station http://www.wunderground.com/weatherstation/WXDailyHistory.asp?ID=KIDMOSCO3 showing the sudden drop.  Because of elevation, vegetation, and geomorphological features, the weather differs from the Shook's and our home, sometimes quite a bit although, we are less than 1/2 mile apart.

I once experienced  a drop from 55 to 20 in the southern California mountains just outside Loa Angeles in less than 5 minutes coming up into a pass from the lee side and hitting it the same time as the cold front from the northwest hit on the weather side.  By the time I made the peak about 25 minutes later, 8 inches of snow had fallen.  One hour later, the sky was almost clear and the temperature in the 50s again.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Sam Scripter 
  To: Art Deco 
  Cc: Vision 2020 
  Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 1:56 PM
  Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Strange Weather

  Art Deco wrote: 
    The outside temperature just fell more than 20 degrees (56 to 35) in less than 15 minutes at our home on Moscow Mountain.

  That's known as a severe Cold Front . . . Very blustery, but short-lived passing through, with
  a very distinct drop in temperature as a new, cold air mass moves into the area, replacing
  the previous air.

  Here in SE Moscow, visibility became very short distance as this happened, as there
  was fog as well, where fog = clouds at the surface.

  I wasn't paying attention to the temperature drop, but see that my outdoor digital thermometer
  now reads 39F.

  Earlier today, my on-line display of the temperature at the Pullman Airport was 56 F; now it 
  is also 39 F.


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