[Vision2020] Doug Wilson plays the victim

Bill London london at moscow.com
Wed May 21 16:05:07 PDT 2008

Ed Iverson, in his latest column (Daily News, May 17), labeled this 
> country a "nation of victims."  He claimed that Americans are whiners 
> who shroud themselves in a false and empty victimhood.
> In his listing of examples of Americans who play victim for their own 
> political gain, Ed missed the best example here on the Palouse: Doug 
> Wilson, pastor of Christ Church (and founder and godfather of Ed's 
> workplace, New St. Andrews).
> In October of 2003, Wilson agreed to both an interview and photo about 
> his book "Southern Slavery, As It Was." In that book and in that 
> interview, Doug claimed that human slavery is not only beneficial 
> but is also validated by his Bible. Then Doug blamed the firestorm of 
> resulting criticism on those meanies in the media.  He whined that he 
> was a victim.
> Doug has continued to play the victim card.  To legitimate concerns 
> about downtown zoning laws, to serious questions about treatment of 
> pedophiles in his church, to examples of free speech in Friendship 
> Square, his response continues to be that he is the victim of 
> intolerance and of media manipulation.
> It is time for Doug Wilson to quit playing the victim card and share 
> in the life of this community.  Ed got that much correct.  In his 
> column, Ed concludes:  "We need to summon up the courage to tell the 
> victim-peddlers that we don't want their product anymore."
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