[Vision2020] Sali Seeks to Delay Mexican Consulate

Andreas Schou ophite at gmail.com
Tue May 6 00:11:02 PDT 2008

On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 10:04 PM, Donovan Arnold
<donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Andreas,
> My argument is this. When you open a Mexican Consulate, more illegal
> laborers come to the community because they get services and legal help to
> stay in the country illegally.

I'm... baffled. If the legal help results in individuals staying in
the United States, their presence in the United States was ipso facto
legal. "Legal" is not a result of the government's assertion that an
act is legal or illegal; it's a result of the final adjudication of
the matter. That's the reason we have an independent judiciary.

> The illegal laborers drive down wages so that
> US Citizens cannot get a fair wage for a days work. They shut down
> businesses trying to hire only legal labor because they cannot compete with
> the companies using illegal labor.

Why not do anything to prevent companies from exploiting illegal
laborers? How many businesses were shut down this year because of
their use of illegal labor. Hint: the number is zero.

> You only need one so
> you have the space to process the illegal laborers, get them ID Cards so
> they can access social services, get bank accounts, housing, ect., in the
> community they plan to work illegal in.

In what way, Donovan, does a Mexican consulate identification card
help a Mexican citizen obtain services otherwise unavailable to them?
You keep asserting that Point A is connected to Point B, but have
never drawn the line. I suspect that that's because there's no line to
be drawn.

-- ACS

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