[Vision2020] Sali Seeks to Delay Mexican Consulate

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Sun May 4 20:52:51 PDT 2008

  I'm impressed you could read some of the manual. I thought for sure you would have just looked at the pictures. 
  Why do they show Mexicans breaking the law? AND more importantly, how come the Latina women have nipples you can see with their shirts on while the Latino men have nipples you cannot even see with their shirts off? Why are all the Latino men built like a brick, and women in inferior positions to the men? Why does it need a reminder in the manual not to punch or beat your wife? Doesn't seem like a realistic guide book to me. 
  Best Regards,

Tom Hansen <thansen at moscow.com> wrote:
  Arnold stated:

"Then what is the book [Guia del Migrante Mexicano] about, Keely? If that 
isn't its intent? The book is an instructional manual on how to break the 
law. If it wasn't for illegal border crossing, it would show pictures of 
people going to the immigration office and getting a Visa and waiting in 
line at a legal port of entry."

This took me all of about two seconds to locate the English translation 
of "Guia del Migrante Mexicano" online. The introduction on page 1 of the 
book clearly states:

"Dear fellow citizen:

This guide tries to provide you with some practical advice that may be 
useful to you in case you have made the difficult decision to seek new 
work opportunities outside of your own country.

The safe way to enter another country is by first obtaining your passport, 
which is issued by the Delegations of the Secretariat of Foreign 
Relations, and your visa, which you request at the Embassy or Consulate of 
the country to where you wish to travel. 

However, we actually see many cases of Mexicans who try to cross the 
northern border without the necessary documentation, crossing high-risk 
zones that are very dangerous, especially in desert areas or rivers with 
strong and not always noticeable currents.

As you read this guide you can also learn some basic questions about legal 
consequences of your stay in the United States of America without 
appropriate immigration documents, as well as the rights you have in that 
country once you are there, independent of your immigration status.

Always keep in mind that there are mechanisms for you to enter the United 
States of America legally.

In any case, if you encounter problems or difficulties, remember that 
Mexico has 45 Consulates at its disposal in that country, whose contact 
information you also can find in this publication.

Identify your Consulate and go to it."

The English translation of this book is available at:


If you do not trust the translation, you may download the book in its 
original langauge from the Center for Individual Freedom (in PDF format), 
and have it translated yourself, at:


Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho

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