[Vision2020] in a better world ...

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Sat Jul 26 12:11:38 PDT 2008


And who can forget . . .

The Great Debate of 2006

Neither can a leopard change its spots nor a skunk its scent.

Thank you, Keely.

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho

> Visionaires,
> Never would I have thought that I would live in a community whose most
well> -known and powerful pastor, one who claims to be a Trinitarian 
> and a Bible teacher, would behave in the  hostile, hateful, and
horre> ndous manner that Douglas Wilson of Christ Church has.  During my 
six and
a>  half years of living in Moscow and loving it, I have been beyond
dismaye> d at his theology, teaching, and engagement with the community, 
I> 've learned not to be surprised at what comes from his pen or out of his
mo> uth.  But I find that he yet has the ability to shock me, owing more to
h> is crass conduct than to my naivete, and this morning offers another
exam> ple.
> In a column bashing Pastor Greg Boyd's new book on the idolatry of
Christia> ns in claiming the United States as a "Christian nation," and 
th> emselves into politics in an attempt to make the kingdom of God right
here> , right now, Wilson complains that Boyd has no basis, then, for
jud> ging anything to be wrong.  His serrated edge flashing, he says that,
f> or example, if he told Boyd his church spent last night "lynching homos
-> - you shoulda been there!", Boyd couldn't reasonably object.
> Boyd won't, because Wilson's pontificating has, thankfully, a
limited>  audience.  But I can, and I do.  In fact, my 15-year-old son 
and>  I both responded to Wilson on his Blog and Mablog, and while my son
resp> onded to the church/state issue, I'm as proud of him as I am
embarrassed> , once again, by the man who would like to be thought of as 
the Bishop
> of the Palouse.  I invite you to read my comments there.  If not, let me
> state in the most concrete way that I can:
> For a pastor to make a point, any point, by using "lynching homos" as
a> n example, one of hyperbole and excess, is despicable, particularly
g> iven the virulent homophobia Wilson has espoused.  And for none of his
read> ers to complain is, while predictable, most disappointing.  In a
perfec> t world, or even a mildly better one, other Christians would howl 
pr> otest, rebuking Wilson immediately and publicly.  It ain't that kind of
w> orld, though.  And, hesitant church leadership notwithstanding, it's
> frankly just as sad to me that many of you don't want to comment,
object> , or even know -- and wish I would just shut up about the whole 
> Sorry, but I can't do it.  What I can and will do, however, is begin
> my own very publicized, very pointed blog devoted to defending the
Gospel>  by correcting bad theology both within the Kirk and from other 
I>  don't know what to call it yet, and I don't know how to design it,
but>  I intend to never let up 'til the day I die . . . 
> The stakes for our community are high, higher than most Moscow residents
> realize.  But the stakes are even higher for the message of peace and
recon> ciliation, justice and love, spoken and lived by the Lord Jesus 
> and sullied by Wilson, et al.  If Christ means anything to me,  I can
c> ertainly endure the scorn of my neighbors and the mocking of the boys at
th> e Kirk by writing against them.  I'll still write on Vision, and still
wr> ite about Christ Church as relevant to the discussion, but the content
of>  my blog will be theology, gender and peace-and-justice issues, and
sca> thing critique of those who spew bigotry in the name of Christ.
> As a stay-at-home mom with a fairly useless BA from a quarter-century
ago> , I may be "just a housewife" to some at the Kirk -- but if I am a
housew> ife, I am a thundering one, and I can't be silent.
> Keely
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"We're a town of about 23,000 with 10,000 college students. The college 
students are not very active in local elections (thank goodness!)."

- Dale Courtney (March 28, 2007)

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