[Vision2020] Post-9/11 Sophistry

Chasuk chasuk at gmail.com
Sat Jan 26 13:52:05 PST 2008

In conversations among the hoi polloi, post-9/11, most Democrats were
opposed to the war, and most most Republicans in favor.   Our mental
filters sorted the WMD news to match whatever "truth" we had already
decided.  None of, of course, were in a position to know anything, but
we spouted our opinions anyway.  Coincidentally, it turned out the
Democrats were probably right, and the Republicans were probably
wrong.  George W. Bush really was the sack of diarrhea [SoD] that we
had claimed.  However, this wasn't necessarily because we were smarter
or better informed, but because we were following our own partisan
mantras.  Now that Bush is almost universally identified as an SoD,
some of our memories are revisionist, and it is suddenly the Democrats
who were "You are either with us or against us" warmongers.  I call
BS.  At least have the integrity not to lie to yourselves, because you
certainly can't lie to us.


First Patriarch of
the Church of Fuzzy Wuzzy Chasy Wazzy

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