[Vision2020] Home built wind power

Kai Eiselein fotopro63 at hotmail.com
Fri Jan 18 22:59:32 PST 2008

Those generators probably work, Ted,  but the technical know-how to balance the blades isn' t something that just anyone could do. That in itself could rob generating power. (Not to mention the threat of the blade assembly breaking up and send chunks flying in high winds) So what may be the answer?
Look at the roofs of older buildings, especially industrial buildings. What do they have?
Turbine ventilators.
Pre-built, factory balanced, wind-driven turbines. Time tested for the elements and efficient.
Most have a vertical shaft (bingo!) a brass upper bearing and lower ball bearings. A 24 inch model ($200 new) is rated to move 2300cfm at 4 mph. So it spins at low wind speeds.
Attach alternator  "A" to turbine "B", add wind and you've got electricty. (Ok, maybe not THAT easy, but doable with some ingenuity.)> From: vision2020-request at moscow.com> Subject: Vision2020 Digest, Vol 19, Issue 93> To: vision2020 at moscow.com> Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 14:31:24 -0800> > Send Vision2020 mailing list submissions to> vision2020 at moscow.com> > To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit> http://mailman.fsr.com/mailman/listinfo/vision2020> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to> vision2020-request at moscow.com> > You can reach the person managing the list at> vision2020-owner at moscow.com> > When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific> than "Re: Contents of Vision2020 digest..."> > > Today's Topics:> > 1. Home Built Wind Electric Power (Ted Moffett)> 2. Institutional Check-up - The Power of Outside Review (Tom Hansen)> 3. Re: Donovan Arnold - Man of Action? Re: Wilson's Religious> Empire (Darrell Keim)> 4. Re: Donovan Arnold - Man of Action? Re: Wilson's Religious> Empire (Chasuk)> 5. Re: Donovan Arnold - Man of Action? Re: Wilson's Religious> Empire (keely emerinemix)> > > ----------------------------------------------------------------------> > Message: 1> Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 13:57:08 -0800> From: "Ted Moffett" <starbliss at gmail.com>> Subject: [Vision2020] Home Built Wind Electric Power> To: Dave <tiedye at turbonet.com>> Cc: vision2020 at moscow.com> Message-ID:> <d03f69e0801181357j7c01e810qad02f9171338ddf3 at mail.gmail.com>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1> > Dave et. al.> > Is this Dave Sarff or Dave whoever who authored the post below?> People use fake names commonly on Vision2020, but for those who are> not in hiding (or playing pranks), why not sign a full real name to> posts, if your name is not a part of "from" e-mail address?> > Anyway, I came across this "do it yourself" wind power instruction> book, at the web link below. Given you appear to know something about> this subject, is this for real, or not?> > http://www.poormansguides.com/index3.htm> > ------------------------------------------> Vision2020 Post: Ted Moffett> > On 1/17/08, Dave <tiedye at turbonet.com> wrote:> > This is actually not a "new" type is it is a old type that is not> > largely used. It is called a "Darrieus" or "egg beater" turbine. Like> > all tech it has advantages and disadvantages, i.m.o. the biggest> > advantage is that they are bird safe.> >> > They are not being being used in the U.S. because we don't give a damn> > about our co-inhabitants. They are being used in Europe and Japan (and> > China?).> >> > There are versions tweaked to work well on building roofs, they catch> > the updraft off the building as well as the wind.> >> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darrieus_wind_turbine> >> > (A pet project of mine that I'm not getting around too is to design an> > under $200 version that any handyperson could build and put on their> > roof, want to help?)> >> > Dave> >> > Kai Eiselein, editor wrote:> > > There is a new type of turbine, designed to go on top of buildings> > > which uses a cylindrical design rather than a blade design, perhaps> > > that is what they will use. It is apparently much quieter than the> > > blade driven turbines, as well.> > >> > >> > > > ------------------------------> > Message: 2> Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 14:19:11 -0800> From: "Tom Hansen" <thansen at moscow.com>> Subject: [Vision2020] Institutional Check-up - The Power of Outside> Review> To: "Moscow Vision 2020" <vision2020 at moscow.com>> Message-ID: <200801182219.m0IMJGLg040751 at mail-gw.fsr.net>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"> > >From the Opinion section of today's (January 18, 2008) Moscow-Pullman Daily> News with thanks to Doug Baker, Vice President and Provost at the University> of Idaho.> > ------------------------------------------------------------> > HIS VIEW: Institutional check-up - the power of outside review > > By Doug Baker> > Outside expert review by peers is a process that a great university uses to> improve its strength. Faculty and administration routinely engage this> process, whether it is for publishing a manuscript, monograph, or book;> seeking a competitively funded research grant; or evaluating people for> promotion and tenure. > > So it only follows that a great university will engage a similar> institutional process. Outside reviews occur during accreditation, and also> should occur as part of an ongoing continuous improvement process to improve> national competitiveness. And great, proud and confident universities, such> as the University of Idaho, do such analyses in an open and transparent way.> In many respects, outside review is like undergoing a physical exam, where> one gets poked, prodded, evaluated and lectured to in ways that can be> uncomfortable, but that help identify ways to improve one's health. > > The University of Idaho has chosen to essentially undergo a "physical" - a> critical examination of programs that are important to the vitality of the> institution as a flagship research university, and are key to our aspiration> to improve national competitiveness. A year ago, the university took another> bold step and commissioned the Yardley Research Group, a national higher> education firm, to conduct a strategic assessment of graduate programs at> the university. The preliminary report-- available on the university Web> site - is now being shared with deans, Faculty Council, and academic> departments. It's a snapshot of where the university's graduate programs> were at that time, and the frank and independent assessment provides> valuable food for thought.> > Since then, we've made tremendous progress in strategic areas of education> and research, such as investing in Blue Ribbon multidisciplinary programs> including Water of West, bio-nanotechnology and bio-regional planning. But> the Yardley Report identifies other opportunities where we could strengthen> and refine our programs to make the University of Idaho more nationally> competitive.> > Indeed, Richard Westerberg, University of Idaho regent and State Board of> Education member commented "The Yardley Report sounds like the kind of> effort that leads to improvement by study and benchmarking. For the> University of Idaho to open itself to this type of objective review takes> courage and has some risks, but it is clearly the way forward. I look> forward to the study results and the university's resulting action plan."> > For the university, the opportunity is to give the entire report our full> attention and consideration, with fact checking and feedback, and to do so> openly and objectively. We don't have to agree with everything that's in the> report. But what is clear is that strongly integrating and strengthening the> university's graduate and research programs will benefit the whole> institution, including its high quality undergraduate experience. Continuing> to build integrated, multidisciplinary graduate education and research> programs also will help identify critical problems faced by the state,> nation, and world, and develop solutions for those problems.> > The Yardley report offers a framework for discussing improvements and serves> as a catalyst for taking actions to move the university forward. The report> is part of a comprehensive strategy to strengthen and integrate efforts to> enhance our excellence such that we can consistently compete for research> support, and attract top students in research and creative activity.> > President Tim White joins me in affirming that the report is another> opportunity to examine renewal of our people and programs, is part of the> overall strategic planning process, and is an opportunity for our community> to look to the future and strengthen the institution for successive> generations.> > Doug Baker is vice president and provost at the University of Idaho.> > ------------------------------------------------------------> > Seeya round town, Moscow.> > Tom Hansen> Moscow, Idaho> > "If I wanted to overhear every tedious scrap of brain static rattling around> in your head, I'd read your blog."> > - Bill Maher> > > > > ------------------------------> > Message: 3> Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 14:27:02 -0800> From: "Darrell Keim" <keim153 at gmail.com>> Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Donovan Arnold - Man of Action? Re: Wilson's> Religious Empire> To: "Popeye Landscape" <dctrofdamind at gmail.com>, "moscow vision 2020"> <Vision2020 at moscow.com>> Message-ID:> <5d9b86820801181427u3d195c1u456bcba9adf28857 at mail.gmail.com>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"> > Popeye and V2020:> > Funny thing. When I was in elementary school I sometimes used retard as an> epithet. As I grew older I learned it was inappropriate, and why.> > I've never viewed v2020 as a model of civil behavior and decorum. Far from> it. It can be a rough and tumble verbal wild west. I do sometimes get a> laugh from some of the more creative use of invective on the list.> > It is unfortunate that Popeye has yet to move beyond the level of a> kindergartener. Will Popeye be sticking his tongue out at Donovan or> pulling his hair next?> > > On 18/01/2008, Popeye Landscape <dctrofdamind at gmail.com> wrote:> >> > Keely,> >> > If you read a couple posts up you will notice that Donovan leveled a rude> > criticism to Nick Gyer. I was replying to Donovan on that issue.> >> > I am not one of those PC liberals who takes *retard* to mean anything more> > than an emotionally laden reference to being "very stupid". If you are dumb> > enough to take that as an insult to the handicap then so be it. I find it> > *disgusting* that you would would limit my *practical* freedom of speech> > using the term *retard*. Donovan was being an idiot and that is all I was> > remarking on.> >> > Please don't be a speech Nazi and lighten up a bit.> > tx,> > Popeye> >> -------------- next part --------------> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...> URL: http://mailman.fsr.com/pipermail/vision2020/attachments/20080118/a072fe2f/attachment-0001.html > > ------------------------------> > Message: 4> Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 14:28:47 -0800> From: Chasuk <chasuk at gmail.com>> Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Donovan Arnold - Man of Action? Re: Wilson's> Religious Empire> To: "Popeye Landscape" <dctrofdamind at gmail.com>> Cc: vision2020 at moscow.com> Message-ID:> <ef6f41de0801181428m34a3a63crbca215af8aa372ec at mail.gmail.com>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1> > On Jan 18, 2008 12:32 PM, Popeye Landscape <dctrofdamind at gmail.com> wrote:> > > I am not one of those PC liberals who takes *retard* to mean anything more> > than an emotionally laden reference to being "very stupid". If you are dumb> > enough to take that as an insult to the handicap then so be it. I find it> > *disgusting* that you would would limit my *practical* freedom of speech> > using the term *retard*. Donovan was being an idiot and that is all I was> > remarking on.> > Interesting tidbit from Wikipedia:> > Connotations easily change over time. "Idiot," "imbecile," and "moron"> were once neutral terms for a person of toddler, preschool, and> primary school mental ages.[2] As with Gresham's law, negative> connotations tend to crowd out neutral ones, so the phrase mentally> retarded was pressed into service to replace them.[3] Now that too is> considered rude, used commonly as an insult of a person, thing, or> idea. As a result, new terms like "developmentally disabled",> "mentally challenged," "with an intellectual disability" and "special> needs" have replaced "retarded."> > I don't find the word "retard" offensive, but then I don't find the> word "queer" offensive, either. However, I don't find a person dumb> for finding them so, but I do find your rudeness reaction to Keely's> polite objection quite puzzling.> > Why the hostility?> > Chas> > > > ------------------------------> > Message: 5> Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 14:31:25 -0800> From: keely emerinemix <kjajmix1 at msn.com>> Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Donovan Arnold - Man of Action? Re: Wilson's> Religious Empire> To: Popeye Landscape <dctrofdamind at gmail.com>, <vision2020 at moscow.com>> Message-ID: <BAY106-W27903C69F02F2B78ECD2E982420 at phx.gbl>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"> > > Thank you for your thoughtful comments. I guess.> > Keely> > > > > Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 12:32:13 -0800> From: dctrofdamind at gmail.com> To: kjajmix1 at msn.com; vision2020 at moscow.com> Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Donovan Arnold - Man of Action? Re: Wilson's Religious Empire> > Keely,> > If you read a couple posts up you will notice that Donovan leveled a rude criticism to Nick Gyer. I was replying to Donovan on that issue.> > I am not one of those PC liberals who takes *retard* to mean anything more than an emotionally laden reference to being "very stupid". If you are dumb enough to take that as an insult to the handicap then so be it. I find it *disgusting* that you would would limit my *practical* freedom of speech using the term *retard*. Donovan was being an idiot and that is all I was remarking on.> > > Please don't be a speech Nazi and lighten up a bit.> tx,> Popeye> > > On Jan 18, 2008 8:43 AM, keely emerinemix <kjajmix1 at msn.com> wrote:> > > Hey, Popeye -- Knock it off. It's rude to address anyone the way you did here. I don't care what Donovan's or anyone else's mental capacities are; "retard" is a disgusting epithet, and determining that Donovan has somehow less value than you or I or Doug Wilson is wrong. > > > You obviously don't like Wilson. Neither do I. But you err in thinking that being on whatever right side there is to the whole Christ Church thing gives you free rein in saying things. I don't know who you are, and I don't know Donovan. But I do know that it's wrong to attack someone like this, and I hope you change your tactics.> > > Keely> > > > > > > > Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 07:16:48 -0800> From: dctrofdamind at gmail.com> To: vision2020 at moscow.com> > Subject: [Vision2020] Donovan Arnold - Man of Action? Re: Wilson's Religious Empire > > > > > > Donovan, > > Everyone has a right to criticize someone for damaging society e.g., Hitler Internationally and yes Doug locally (Moscow's local fuhrer). > > Even retards (mentally challenged) individuals like yourself should face local criticism to the extent anyone would give any of your words serious consideration. > > Donovan unlike Wilson will remain largely ignored in life.> > Popeye. > > > Shed those extra pounds with MSN and The Biggest Loser!! Learn more.> > > _________________________________________________________________> Climb to the top of the charts!? Play the word scramble challenge with star power.> http://club.live.com/star_shuffle.aspx?icid=starshuffle_wlmailtextlink_jan> -------------- next part --------------> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...> URL: http://mailman.fsr.com/pipermail/vision2020/attachments/20080118/970b0ffa/attachment.html > > ------------------------------> > =======================================================> List services made available by First Step Internet, > serving the communities of the Palouse since 1994. > http://www.fsr.net > mailto:Vision2020 at moscow.com> =======================================================> > End of Vision2020 Digest, Vol 19, Issue 93> ******************************************
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