[Vision2020] Snow problems

bevbafus at verizon.net bevbafus at verizon.net
Tue Dec 23 09:38:00 PST 2008

Ok, now that I've calmed down, I want to talk some more about sidewalks.

I did go before the Moscow City Council last year to talk about Highway 
95, and the lack of sidewalk plowing.  This is a problem again this 
year.  Consider:

1.  Many people, for whatever reason, need to walk and/or use public 
transit for transportation.
2.  There is NO public transit north of Rosauer's, or south of A & W.
3.  On Highway 95, north of Rosauer's and south of A & W, the sidewalks 
are either NOT shoveled, or inconsistantly shoveled.

The other evening, as I was driving home, there were people walking 
south on the northern section of Highway 95, IN THE CENTER TURN LANE. 

1.  There are no sidewalks to walk on (they are about 5 feet deep)
2.  It was about 4 p.m., and getting dark.
3.  Chip trucks, and other inconsiderate drivers, speed on this section 
of road constantly.
4.  If the person was in the road on either the left or right, they have 
a good chance of getting hit and killed.
5.  Thus, they chose the center turn lane.  Not the best, but certainly 

Is this what we want for Moscow?  Aren't we supposed to be pedestrian 

Kudos to these businesses, for keeping their sections clean:
Moscow Building Supply
Hasan's Tractor Service
Animal Care Center
Columbia Tractor
Moscow Auto Service

City of Moscow -- What can be done?

Bev Bafus

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