[Vision2020] Donovan, Canadians ARE Americans!

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 21 15:09:27 PST 2008


You will have to provide me with your sources. The first usable light bulbs, electricity, televisions, and cars, were build her in the Unites States, mostly during the Industrial Revolution. I know the history of these things began centuries ago, but we put them to use which benefited the world. 

I never claimed that the US exclusively fought WWII. Why would you assume that? 

But the US turned the Wars around with our fighting men, mostly female workforce, and industrial might. 

I am defensive because I am tired of people dogging on my country for the few things we do wrong when they should be grateful for the mostly good we have done. They are snobs biting the hand that fed them for so long.

Best Regards,


--- On Sun, 12/21/08, Chasuk <chasuk at gmail.com> wrote:

> From: Chasuk <chasuk at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Donovan, Canadians ARE Americans!
> To: donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
> Cc: "vision 2020" <Vision2020 at moscow.com>, "Ralph Nielsen" <nielsen at uidaho.edu>, "Dave" <tiedye at turbonet.com>
> Date: Sunday, December 21, 2008, 2:57 PM
> > Light Bulb
> Edison perfected the light bulb, he didn't invent it. 
> That would have
> been Frederick de Moleyns, who improved the invention of
> Humphrey
> Davy.  Both were British.
> > Electricity
> That would have been the Greeks, followed by a slew of
> Englishmen,
> including William Gilbert (who coined the word
> "electric") and Michael
> Faraday.  That doesn't count Italian, Alessandro Volta,
> who was also
> instrumental.  Franklin's contribution belongs largely
> to folklore,
> and was more stunt than science, regardless.
> > Computers
> That would have been Charles Babbage, Englishman.  And Alan
> Turing,
> also an Englishman.
> > Airplanes
> The Wright Brothers, Americans, refing the work of
> Frenchman Octave Chanute.
> > Cars
> Karl Benz, from Germany.
> > The Internet
> DARPA invented the Internet (a score for the Americans),
> but
> Englishman Tim Berners-Lee invented the Word Wide Web,
> which is what
> the "Internet" means to most today.
> > Microwave
> The microwave oven was invented by Americans, from work by
> James Clerk
> Maxwell, who was Scottish, and Heinrich Hertz, who was
> German.
> > Television
> Paul Gottlieb Nipkow, German.  John Logie Baird, Scottish. 
> Léon
> Theremin, Russian.
> > Freedom from Germany, Twice.
> There were a few other particiapnts, as I'm sure you
> are aware.
> Why are you so insecure, that you get this tetchy when
> someome
> criticizes the US?


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