[Vision2020] FW: Response from Sali regarding Impeaching Bush and Cheney coming soon... with your help!
Donovan Arnold
donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 27 00:04:58 PDT 2008
This sounds like a canned response to anti-Bush letters that Sali's office must get many of, especially recently.
I can tell because it doesn't address anything you said, and stated "your feelings" not issues. This letter could be sent in response to just about anything bad said about Bush.
I would keep sending letters, being specific, force them to actually answer. Having said that though, I don't think Sali is going to withdraw his support for Bush.
Best Regards,
--- On Tue, 8/26/08, Levi Cavener <lcavener at vandals.uidaho.edu> wrote:
From: Levi Cavener <lcavener at vandals.uidaho.edu>
Subject: [Vision2020] FW: Response from Sali regarding Impeaching Bush and Cheney coming soon... with your help!
To: vision2020 at moscow.com
Date: Tuesday, August 26, 2008, 6:00 PM
#yiv39497280 .hmmessage P
#yiv39497280 {
I contacted Bill Sali in regards to an email back on Augest 4'th encouraging him to be part of investigation looking into if there were any abuses of power by the current Executive Administration - although this Email was part of the letter I sent it was not simply forwarded to him - the only part I included were the 6 statements below. He wrote me back and I figured I would share it with you. I included his statement first and then the 6 possible abuses after that.
August 26, 2008
Dear Mr. Cavener:
Thank you for contacting me regarding your feelings for President George W. Bush. I appreciate you sharing your concerns about the President and his Administration with me.
In my view, the President has shown that he is an honorable humble man who stands strongly for our country's interests and is willing to accept criticism for doing so. He is a humble man who practices the great, uniting principle of our Republic, that all of us are created equal and given certain rights by God, not but the government. He has proven himself as an effective leader through difficult times for America, and I believe that he will continue to serve our country with a high level of trustworthiness and respect.
Thank you again for taking the time to write to me and please continue to inform me of other matters of interest or concern to you. It is an honor to serve as your member of Congress. For more information and updates on my work in Congress, please visit my website, www.sali.house.gov.
Bill Sali
Member of Congress
1) Manipulation of intelligence to gain Congressional
> and public support to invade Iraq, and the waging of a
> war of aggression based on false pretenses
> 2) Infringement of Constitutional rights, including
> warrentless surveillance, wire-tapping and the
> breaking of FISA
> 3) Consistent refusal to uphold laws Congress passes
> by issuing over 1000+ signing statements that in
> effect nullify the will of Congress, and in essence,
> violate the role of the Executive Branch to execute
> laws
> 4) Misuse of executive privileges, as in the firing
> and hiring of career positions based on politics
> 5) The Administration's outing of CIA agent Valerie
> Plame and the subsequent cover-up
> 6) Excessive Admin secrecy in developing national
> policies to benefit industry
~Esto Perpetua
Levi Cavener
(208) 409-3410
> Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2008 09:38:29 -0700
> From: garrettmc at verizon.net
> To: vision2020 at moscow.com
> Subject: [Vision2020] Impeaching Bush and Cheney coming soon... with your help!
> On Friday, July 25, 2008, the House Judiciary
> Committee held a hearing called "Executive Power and
> Its Constitutional Limitations" which was basically a
> preliminary impeachment hearing for President Bush and
> Vice-President Cheney. I recently watched the 6 hour
> hearing at cspan.org.
> The case was made by many witnesses and
> representatives to proceed to real impeachment
> hearings. A few reasons for impeaching Bush and
> Cheney include:
> 1) Manipulation of intelligence to gain Congressional
> and public support to invade Iraq, and the waging of a
> war of aggression based on false pretenses
> 2) Infringement of Constitutional rights, including
> warrentless surveillance, wire-tapping and the
> breaking of FISA
> 3) Consistent refusal to uphold laws Congress passes
> by issuing over 1000+ signing statements that in
> effect nullify the will of Congress, and in essence,
> violate the role of the Executive Branch to execute
> laws
> 4) Misuse of executive privileges, as in the firing
> and hiring of career positions based on politics
> 5) The Administration's outing of CIA agent Valerie
> Plame and the subsequent cover-up
> 6) Excessive Admin secrecy in developing national
> policies to benefit industry
> President Bush and Cheney took an oath to uphold the
> Constitution and the laws of the land. By
> deliberately defying Congress, these officials broke
> their oath of office and the law, leading to
> impeachable offenses. It is the duty of Congress to
> insure the Executive branch does not misuse power
> through excess authority and blatant disregard for the
> rule of law.
> Congress has held 45 public hearings with a range of
> witnesses (attorney generals, deputy attorneys, press
> secretaries, white house liaisons) to uncover
> impeachable offenses. Criminal contempt charges
> against Admin officials, including Carl Rove, have
> been made by the committee.
> Accountability to Congress and the public is necessary
> to insure abuse of power does not occur and to reign
> in excesses regardless of political party in the
> Executive branch. The risk to our rights increases
> without accountability. The threat to balance of
> powers occurs when the Executive branch believes it is
> above the law.
> George W Bush is one of most unpopular Presidents in
> history due in part to his offenses. It's not
> surprising that someone who was willing to sue to
> become president (remember the 2000 election?) would
> push the boundaries. The time to hold him accountable
> is here. Your representatives need to hear from you
> that you want them to proceed with impeachment
> hearings, if, for the very least, to uncover the facts
> and to insure that the next President does not abuse
> the power of the highest office in our country.
> The House of Representatives is the body that
> initiates the process. Please take a moment to
> contact your representative to urge them to fulfill
> their duty to hold the Executive accountable.
> There are very few times when taking a bit of your
> time can lead to such an important process.
> Impeachment hearings will not happen without
> widespread public support. Please forward this to
> your friends and encourage them to take action.
> Ask Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to hold
> impeachment hearings: (415) 556-4862
> Find your representative at http://www.house.gov/
> Info on the July 25 hearing is at
> http://judiciary.house.gov/hearings/hear_072508.html
> Thanks for your concern and action to restore checks
> and balances to our Country.
> Sincerely,
> Garrett Clevenger
> PS How Bush and Cheney's policies, that lead to
> allegations of impeachable offenses, benefit their
> personal gain to the detriment of citizens:
> Bush and Cheney are highly tied to oil industry.
> (Dealers)
> America has "addiction" to oil (at least in Bush's
> mind)
> Dealers need access to oil (Middle East, ie Iraq;
> ANWR; off-shore of US)
> Dealers meddle in affairs of Middle East for decades.
> (and during the 1990's, The Project for the New
> American Century (neocons) promote invading Iraq)
> Dealers cause huge resentment by exploiting oil, and
> promoting policies in Middle East to the detriment of
> the people living there. (Resentment builds,
> terrorists form)
> Terrorists retaliate (911)
> Dealers and neocons use anger over 911 and manipulate
> intelligence to gain public support to invade Iraq
> (wage war based on false pretenses)
> Dealers gain legal access to develop Iraqi oil fields
> (make lots of $$$)
> Turmoil caused by Dealers policies increase the cost
> per barrel of oil by over 5 times the amount in 2001
> (from about $26 to a high of $147)
> High cost per barrel of oil leads to record profits
> for oil industry (Dealers get even richer selling
> their "drug" to the public)
> Thus, Bush used 911 to justify the long-term desire to
> invade Iraq by manipulating intelligence and
> misleading Congress, making his friends and family
> lots of money, while costing the world possibly
> hundreds of thousands of lives, up to $3 trillion
> dollars and too much heart-ache.
> If that isn't a "high crime and misdemeanor", I don't
> know what is...
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