[Vision2020] Safe Lefty's

tex tex at govandals.com
Fri Apr 25 14:13:42 PDT 2008

Like I said originally, just a speculative rumor that I overheard.  I am in no position to verify its integrity.  But hey, most things on this list fall into the same category. Show me proof they are being muscled out.  I would love to see it.

For the record.. I love Lefty's.  I have no desire to cast the mall in a favorable light if indeed they are being unfair.  I just wanted to throw something out there that might make people think twice before jumping on the "BIG BROTHER IS KILLING LOCAL BUSINESS!!!zomg!!" bandwagon that seems to be so predominate in these postings.

Question, tex -

How did you obtain such information (that Lefty's is behind in their 
rent)?  I'm guessing that Lefty's didn't eagerly pass it on to you.

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho

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