[Vision2020] Moscow City Council Committee Agendas for Monday

Stephanie Kalasz skalasz at ci.moscow.id.us
Fri Apr 25 09:23:39 PDT 2008




Monday, April 28, 2008
3:00 p.m.


206 East 3rd Street, Second Floor

1.      Approval of Minutes April 14, 2008 - Stephanie Kalasz


2.      Proposed Day Care Ordinance Changes - Randy Fife/Keli
Jones/Stephanie Kalasz

Due to some issues with the licensing procedure, staff is proposing some
minor changes to the Day Care Ordinance.  In the past, it has taken
several months to receive all the information required from the
applicants.  In an attempt to speed up the process, the application has
been modified to eliminate the two letters of recommendation and now
requires that an additional reference be provided.  A questionnaire is
sent to all references.  The proposed Ordinance has been drafted to
reflect these changes, in addition to a few minor ministerial changes.
The Ordinance was distributed to all licensed day cares in Moscow.


ACTION:  Recommend approval of the Ordinance changes; or recommend
denial of the Ordinance changes; or take such other action deemed


3.      PUD Code Amendment - Bill Belknap

The Moscow Planning and Zoning Commission has been working over the past
18 months to revise and update the City's Planned Unit Development Code
to enhance opportunities for new and innovative development
opportunities.  The proposed revised Planned Unit Development (PUD) Code
provides greater opportunities and flexibility in development types,
mixes of use as well as clarification of the PUD review process.  The
Planning and Zoning Commission conducted a public hearing on the
proposed amended PUD Code on March 12th, 2008 at which time they
recommended approval to the City Council.  This matter has been noticed
for public hearing before the City Council on May 5th, 2008.


ACTION:  Recommend approval of the Ordinance; or recommend denial of the
Ordinance; or take such other action deemed appropriate.


4.      Surplus Firearms - Dan Weaver

The Police Department has a number of used firearms which have been
donated, seized or deemed no longer needed; please refer to the attached
list.  Following past practice, it is requested that the Moscow Police
Department be authorized to dispose of these items by trading or selling
them to an approved firearms dealer.  With authorization, these firearms
will be traded/sold on the condition they are not to be returned to this
community or the State of Idaho.  This was discussed by the
Administrative Committee on April 14 and by the City Council on April 21
where it was recommended to come back to Committee.


ACTION:  Discuss surplus firearm policy and direct staff as deemed
appropriate.  Recommend approval of surplus of firearms or take such
other action deemed appropriate.


5.      4:00 p.m.  Mobil Data Terminal Presentation - Scot Gleason

The Mobil Data Terminal (MDT) is a portable lap top computer system that
provides the officer, in his patrol car, the ability to respond directly
to calls, access the Spillman Computer Network, run drivers license
information, run registration information, check name files and access
our photo data base, all this is accomplished without the assistance of
a dispatcher.  The MDT technology increases the efficiency of the patrol
officer by making available all the information that would otherwise
have to be accessed by a computer located in the Police Department or by
having a Whitcom dispatcher searching for and relaying the information
back to the officer.   Staff will provide a demonstration.





Future Agenda Items

Policy & Procedure for Closing of Main Street

Business Registration


NOTICE:  Individuals attending the meeting who require special
assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments,
please contact the City Clerk, at (208) 883-7015 or TDD 883-7019, as
soon as possible so that arrangements may be made.





Monday, April 28, 2008
4:30 p.m.


206 East 3rd Street, 2nd Floor 


**Committee members, please attend the 4:00 p.m. Mobil Data Terminal
Presentation - Chief Weaver if possible.**


1.      Approval of Minutes of April 14, 2008 - Stephanie Kalasz


2.      Southgate #3 Subdivision Development Agreement - Kevin Lilly

The Salisbury Family (as JEMCA LLC) has submitted to the City a final
plat for the development of their property off the east end of Granville
and Castleford Streets. The City Council has approved a preliminary plat
for this property.  The final plat is titled the Southgate 3rd Addition
Subdivision and may include three phases of development.  In order for
the developer to move forward with the implementation of the project, a
development agreement is needed to address construction of public
improvements, phasing of such construction, parkland dedication, street
tree contributions, and as-built construction drawings. The attached
agreement covers these items.  The dedication of parkland will occur by
approval of the final plat.  The agreement specifies that the public
improvements for each phase of the Southgate 3rd Addition subdivision
will be constructed within nine months of the issuance of the first
building permit within that phase.  This time frame will allow for
winter construction of structures with completion of public works
improvements during the summer months.


ACTION:  Recommend approval of the Development Agreement or take such
other action deemed appropriate.


3.      Southgate #3 Final Plat - Bill Belknap

On March 3rd, the City Council conducted a public hearing upon and
approved a preliminary plat proposed by JEMCA LLC for an approximately
eighteen (18) acre parcel of land generally located south of Robinson
Park Road, east of Notting Hill Drive and north of State Highway 8, and
west of Lundquist Lane into sixty three (63) developable lots.  The
applicant has submitted a proposed final plat that has been reviewed for
conformance with the previously approved preliminary plat, City Code
requirements and City Council's required conditions of approval. The
Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the proposed final plat on April
23rd, 2008 and recommend approval to the City Council.


ACTION:  Recommend approval of the final plat as proposed; or take such
other action as deemed appropriate.


4.      Quarterly Financial Report - Don Palmer


ACTION:  Approve report or take such other action deemed appropriate.


5.      Renewal of Waste Management Contract - Gary J. Riedner/Don

The City of Moscow contracts with Waste Management Incorporated for
hauling and disposal of municipal solid waste from the solid waste
processing facility located east of Moscow.  The City has been
contacting for this service since September 30, 1993.  The City has
renewed their agreement with Waste Management three previous occasions
in addition to the original contract which was executed in 1993.  The
proposed renewal is for a period of five years, which would make the
current contract effective through September 30, 2013.  Section 20.2 of
the Contract requires the City to give written notice to Waste
Management Inc at least 120 days prior to the expiration of the current
term.  Staff is requesting authorization to renew this contract to be
effective through September 30, 2013.


ACTION:  Recommend approval of the Contract; or take such other action
deemed appropriate.



Airport Fire Flow - Nancy Chaney


Future Agenda Items

Installation of Purple Pipe with New Construction, Street Projects, etc.
- Les MacDonald

UI Street Maintenance Agreement - Les MacDonald

Stormwater Phase II Status - Les MacDonald

Brainstorming Regarding Stakeholder Implementation Committee to
Follow-up on Transportation Commission Recommendation on Parking



NOTICE:  Individuals attending the meeting who require special
assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments,
please contact the City Clerk, at (208) 883-7015 or TDD 883-7019, as
soon as possible so that arrangements may be made.




Stephanie Kalasz

Moscow City Clerk


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