[Vision2020] The BLog and More Political Contributions

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 2 20:30:47 PDT 2007

  I suspect our differences derive from our perception of how the economy works. 
  I believe that a contractor can only PREDICT how much it will cost him to complete a project he or she bid on. I think labor costs, and wages are included in the that estimate. If the government, midway through a 3-5 year project changes the "prevailing wages" of skilled laborers from $25 to $35 an hour, they are going to have an increased percentage of bidders that are forced into default on their project or are unable to pay higher mandated wages. 
  To ask that the contractor "properly predict" the estimated wages three to five years from now that are determined not by the "free market" rate, but a rate set arbitrarily by elected politicians, seems unrealistic and only serves political needs, not the tax payers who have to pay the higher wages and need the building, or the skilled laborers that now don't have a job because the price of building could double midway through the project. 
  If the government forced the company I worked for to double my wage, and the wages of everyone at my work, I might get excited at first, until I found out the business shut down because it could not afford to operate under those wage mandates. 
  The cheaper a building can be built, the more buildings the public can afford to build. The more unpredictable the wages of skilled construction workers are, the more unpredictable the cost of construction of buildings are, and the more it will cost the taxpayers, and the less buildings and jobs there will be for skilled labor. 
  I believe your position leads to higher wages, but few jobs for skilled labor, and I believe my position allows the free market to determine wages, keep taxes down, and creates more jobs. 
  Chuck Kovis <ckovis at turbonet.com> wrote:
  You state:
  ..."how much should it be for skimping on wages from $30 a hour to $28 so you can complete the project and pay everyone?"
  I don't know, but usually when you are awarded a job at WSU you are the low bidder.   If you underbid another company and all bidders are required to pay prevailing wages and you don't, it is unfair to a whole lot of other companies in this area, including Strom electric from Troy, Gropp Electric from Moscow, O.S. Electric from Deary, etc.  who play by the rules and pay the prevailing wage.  One thing that I have never understood about you, is why you are so against people who work with their back for a living.  Why would you call it skimping when employees get screwed by their employer?    Anyone or any corporation that rips off his/her or its workers is a scum bag.  I don't give a shit whatever else this person or corporation does.  You might tolerate this kind of stuff, but I won't.  
  Chuck Kovis
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